At a time in my life, when my heart was truly broken (after losing my dear mother and my precious little brother), the Lord, my Heavenly Father, spoke these words to me. His presence overwhelmed me and His words comforted my soul. I pray that they bless you, as much as they blessed (and continue to bless) me. These are His words to His daughter(s)...
My little daughter, you are precious to me.
Though it will not always be easy,
In Me, your life has grand destiny.
I’ve placed stamina in your heart
to ensure you get
where I desire you to be.
My little daughter, for you, only My best
Do not ever settle for anything less.
Trials, heartache, pain, and tears - there will be many
before my promises manifest,
My child, on My word, is how you will stand above the rest.
My little daughter, let go, do not be afraid to cry.
Know that My word is truth,
in no other place, will you never encounter a lie.
So when you do (cry), cry to Me, that every word I speak will heal your heart.
Do not wander; remain in me. Walk with me; from the comfort of my shadow do not part.
My little daughter, thee, I have equipped.
In you, I have placed many necessary talents
and strengths.
That the lives you touch, will be blessed, not for a moment,
but eternally.
In this way, my child, will your life glorify Me.
My little daughter, know your worth.
Do not allow another to cloud,
all that I established upon your birth.
You will be a reflection of Me, my love, to all on earth.
My little daughter, it’s been asked,
“A virtuous woman, who can find?”
All along this has been your creative design.
“For her worth is far above rubies”.
My child this is who you are to Me –
look through My eyes, you will see.
My little daughter, for so long, of others you have taken care.
Do you think, that of this, I am unaware?
The love you have given those of this world unconditionally
will be returned to you

My little daughter, in Me you have all that you need.
Though by the losses you have suffered, alone you are, it may seem.
Call on Me and from the hurt and emptiness, you, I will redeem.
Know, my child, I hold you close to my heart
and there forever you will be.
Nothing shall separate you from the love of God, my love;
In Jesus Christ is your eternity.
Written by: LaCrea Bucknell
Inspired by: Jesus Christ
"Words of Comfort" is how to best describe your poetry for me. This is very beautiful and heartwarming to a weary soul such as mine who have also been waiting for her own "Release".
ReplyDeleteThanks again for uplifting your sisters and for being a vessel God can use to bring other sisters together in faith.
I, too am waiting for the opportunity for us to come together for some fun and fellowship. Only God knows the true reason for such a gathering.
God Bless you dear,
Gwen Morris
Gwen, I'm SO happy you were encouraged by the poem. You are your Father's daughter and He loves you so much. :-) God literally spoke EVERY word to me - all I did was type. When I was done typing, and went back and read what I'd typed - I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face. His love and presence just overwhelmed me. Every word spoke to my heart. Every issue, every weakness, every burden - He addressed. As He said, "it won't always be easy". But Sis, it's so worth it. Think of the people in the Bible, who He called to greatness; think of the tests and trials they endured before they walked into their destiny. The trials and tests we go through can strengthen our faith and push us into our purpose and destiny. Be encouraged, Sis. He has awesome plans for you!
ReplyDeleteAlso, the MeetUPs are coming!! - Everything in His timing though. I'm also extremely excited and looking forward to getting together with all of you! :-) I'm planning some things out, even now. It will happen and it's going to be awesome. I'll share a little something with you. God has given me this: the emphasis of our MeetUPs will be placed on the word "up". We will be getting together and doing activities that push us UP, that pull others UP... SE MeetUPs will leave an impact, not only on us, but on others. I'm am so sensitive to His heart right now. Please be in prayer for me and SE. God, have YOUR way in us and through us.
Love you, Sis.
Wow! This is remarkable. With your permission, Id like to pen this poem on a handwritten birthday card to my daughter.
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you. I'm truly honored. I'll make you a deal - you can use it in the card... IF you share the blog with your daughter and invite her to join us here! :-)
DeleteHappy Birthday to your daughter!! God bless you both.
THANK YOU!!!! So loved and needed this message
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome, Sis!! But more than anything, Thank you JESUS for speaking to us... Thank you for YOUR words, Father God. It feels so good to know, we are LOVED by YOU!
DeleteI love that is thank you
ReplyDeleteTo God be ALL the Glory... I am just so thankful for HIS everlasting LOVE. Thank you for reading. Be blessed!...And BE a blessing!
DeleteIve often heard diffirent songs that depicted exactly how I was feeling or what was on my heart but for the first time through your poetry I see a glimps of how God feels about me. Your poem was confirmation for me. Feeling like I am settling for less knowing God has to want better for me. This was a true blessing
ReplyDeletePraise God, Sis!!! It's so awesome to hear our FATHER'S words to us - his daughters!! He loves us SO very much and truly wants HIS best for us!!! I'm so happy that His words were as much of an encouragement to you all, as they were to ME! ♥ I love you!