Challenging. Supporting. Loving. Aspiring. Educating. Sharing. Uplifting. Informing. Strengthening. Encouraging. Motivating. Praying. {Women Becoming Better... Together.}

Saturday, November 12, 2011

MEN Weigh In...

I'm very excited to introduce our newest MONTHLY feature, 
"MEN Weigh In"!

The men have spoken - and I believe you will be blessed by their responses. I know I have been! God never ceases to amaze me. The guys that will be weighing in here (and right now there are four of them) are men that I know personally. Men that I have seen walking in Christ - sincerely - for years. Men who not only, talk the talk, but walk the walk - to the BEST of their abilities. They love Christ with all of their hearts, and I value and appreciate their input. These are our brothers in Christ. We are here to grow and evolve; they are doing the same. We will all surely be mutually blessed by the contributions they make and the conversation it provokes.

I'm sure we all know men and women can look at something and see things COMPLETELY different. Or maybe that's just my experience... but I doubt it! Lol. With that being said, prayerfully, we will all be blessed, challenged, and encouraged to grow by exchanging perspectives and thought-provoking dialogue with the opposite sex.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Join our 31-Day Proverbs Challenge!!!!

Join us on SE as we grow and challenge one another. If you accept this month-long challenge, comment below that you've accepted (so that we can hold each other accountable and share our experiences with one another) and once you've read the chapter for today, post a verse below. - it's important we support one another and hold one another accountable!! :) For those of you who are also on our FB page, feel free to post your verses in one place or the other! You can also visit our facebook page and click "share" and share on your page that YOU have accepted the SE 31-Day Proverb Challenge, and/or invite others to join the challenge!!  Don't worry if you weren't with us from the beginning - it's never too late to jump in! Let's have fun with this!!

Riverside Community Church had a great template, and we will follow their outline...
The 31 Day Proverbs Challenge is a very simple way to engage God's Word and share it with others.  Here are the basic guidelines:
1) Starting today, read the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds to today's date.  For example, if today is November 17th read Proverbs 17.  If today is November 20th read Proverbs 20.  If today is November 1st read Proverbs 1.
2) After reading the chapter, choose one verse from the chapter that you want to share with someone.  From our earlier example, if today you read Proverbs 17 then you might choose Proverbs 17:10 "A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool."  Or you may choose Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."  You may find it hard to choose just one.
3) Go public with it! Whichever verse(s) you choose to share, from the reading each day, post them  here! Post it on your facebook status or twitter account.  Add it to the autosignature on your emails.  Make a point of working it into a conversation throughout the day.  Sit down as a family or with a group of friends and share which verse you chose. The possibilities are endless...
4) Come back to our blog/page and leave a comment to tell us how you are choosing to take on the challenge so others can be encouraged by your stories!
5) Tomorrow, do it all over again...for the next 31 days.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Do YOU (we) Represent Him Well?

This week on our facebook page we posed the question, "What does it mean, to you, when the Word instructs us to "not conform to this world" and to "present our bodies as a living sacrifice"? We also asked you to provide real-life examples of what this means when applied to our lives, day-to-day. The verse that prompted the discussion is found in Romans. Romans 12:1-2 states, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  Please visit our fb page to contribute to that conversation (love to hear YOUR thoughts!).

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

RECIPE EXCHANGE!!! "What's Cooking?"

Hey Sis,

I am sitting here wondering how many of you CAN cook, enjoy cooking, would like to cook, but don't know how, etc etc... For so many reasons, cooking is a valuable and necessary skill to have or acquire. When I was young I was always so "busy". I never had "time" to spend in the kitchen with my mother. I played sports, I was active in school, and on and on... Cooking and learning to cook, were not priorities to me. As I got older, I began to wish more and more, that I had spent more time in the kitchen with my mother. She could cook anything, from scratch - and deliciously. (*Side note - so often we put things off because we think we can do it "later".... not realizing "later" is not guaranteed to any of us. Don't put off on tomorrow, what you can do today, especially when it comes to your family and loved ones.*)

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Dear Daddy" - A daughter's cry.

Dear Sis, 

Today my heart is very heavy. I just watched a video that literally brought me to tears. It evoked so much emotion in me: anger, outrage, sympathy, sadness, pain, ... and amidst it all - inspiration. It inspired me to WRITE. It inspired me to act. There are so many girls: daughters - without fathers. I am referring to the ones who are without fathers, not because their father isn't alive, but because he has abandoned them. This is a tragedy. Some of you may be thinking, "Well, what can we do about it? We are the mothers." To that I would respond, "What CAN we do about it?"

I can think of a few things. Before we go there though, let's take a moment and watch the video. *Remember, your responses, feedback, thoughts, experiences, --- it's all welcome.*

*UPDATE: {5/24/12} It appears the video has been removed from the internet, which is unfortunate because it was powerful - a little girl's heartbreaking story. The full-length dvd is titled "Dear Daddy". Dear Daddy is a feature length documentary about the life long effects of fatherlessness on women. The film follows the dramatic journeys of eight young women from the tough city streets of Washington,DC as they struggle to overcome poverty, poor educational systems, no healthcare, and the most difficult life circumstance they have been dealt... the absence of their fathers... but at its core, it's about the importance of a father's role in the lives of their daughters.

If you are anything like me - you are in tears right now. You WISH with all of your heart that there was something YOU could for this girl... Well maybe just maybe there is... For starters we can talk about it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dear Baby Sis, "Don't Post THAT Picture Online!"

... Or better yet - don't even take it (or allow anyone one else to).

You know the pictures I am talking about... Girls, wearing next to nothing - everything exposed. If you spend any amount of time on the internet, especially social networking sites, you'll see it has become an epidemic. There are SO many reasons why posing for and posting revealing and/or explicit photos (at any age) is a bad idea, and in some cases, a cry for help.

Once that photo is taken, you have put yourself in a compromising situation. Realize and consider this: once a photo is posted online, it becomes public property. Anyone can simply right-click on your photo and save it to their desktop... What they do after that is out of your control. As soon as it's posted online, you have lost all control over it and that can come back to haunt you.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Progress Report!!

Hello SISTERS!! <<<< Ha. I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying that! :) Day 9 and we have had over 400 hits to the page, 11 official members have JOINED, & countless others have either joined anonymously and/or connected via email!!! Whichever category YOU fall in to - know that I am so GLAD you are here! And 400+ hits?! You all are sharing the site!!! For that, words can't begin to express how thankful I am - but please accept my humble and sincere "Thank You" anyway, as a token of my appreciation. Keep sharing! Keep inviting the ladies in your life to join us here! God has something BIG in store for all of us - BIG! We don't want anyone to miss out! 

Already, our lives are being impacted and connections are being made! To everyone who has posted and commented - thank you! It is your comments and feedback that will take this page to another level! Whether you know it or not you have already inspired me! It's one thing for God to put a vision and/or a task before you, but it is another thing to operate in that truth. Sometimes it can be scary. You don't know how it's going to be received, but you do what God asks of you and you put the rest in His hands. That's exactly what I did with this blog and I want to thank you for responding. Your introductions and feedback let me know that I am right on track. God is moving. On that note, I'd like to take a moment to recognize two of our NEW SISTERS: Carlisha and Alexis!! Carlisha and Alexis, thank you for taking the time to introduce yourselves. I truly enjoyed getting to know a little more about each of you!  I noticed that both of you shared your spiritual homes in your introductions - I love it! If anyone is in either Las Vegas or Phoenix, you have Sisters there who I am sure wold love to have you visit and worship with them if you do not already have a spiritual home! If you haven't already done so, click on the "Meet Your Sisters" tab and check out their introductions - and while you are there, leave one of your own!! I can't wait to "meet" you!! And I am not alone - "Meet Your Sisters" has received the most hits and traffic after the "home" page, which tells me that you all are looking forward to meeting your sisters too. Let's get these introductions flowing!

As I stated in the "About Me" section of this page, growing up I was the only girl! I've always wanted a Sister. You can only imagine how many times I prayed God would send me a sister. Little did I know back then, that He had something even better in mind! I was thinking small - ONE sister. But God truly knows best and He answers our prayers. It's not always WHEN we want it or HOW we (think) we want it - and let me tell you - that is a GOOD thing because truthfully, we don't always know what's best for us. We can't see every angle and we don't know what lies ahead. Trust me, we might know what feels good to us, seems right to us, and might even make us happy at the moment... but if God has closed a door or taken something from you that you felt was "good" for you... don't lose hope. Perhaps He did that because that was what YOU thought was "good" for you, but He has something in store for you that exceeds and surpasses "good", He has GREAT things in store for you! Maybe it was a job or a relationship, a business opportunity or a home you had your eye on, whatever it was that didn't work out the way YOU had planned, maybe just maybe, you were thinking too small (smile). Remember, Proverbs 3:6 tells us, "In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He WILL direct thy path." I sincerely believe that - and my life reflects it. I was only hoping for ONE sister. I didn't get that... but I continued to acknowledge Him first and He continued to direct my path.... and now look =). I have all of you - and vice versa! "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,  to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen". ~ Ephesians 3:20 ... He has most certainly done exceedingly and abundantly above all that I asked - or even thought to ask... and this is only the beginning! As bad as it may hurt when we are going through it - we need to Thank God, He doesn't let us settle for OUR "good" knowing He has HIS "GREAT" in store for US all along! When we lose something or a relationship comes to an end - it doesn't have to hurt as bad, if we remind ourselves of this awesome truth. Just as He's done so for me - He will most certainly do so for you!

I thank God for all of you and am elated to have you in my life. Please make the most of this page. Post your comments and share your experiences, thoughts, advice, etc. I don't want to do ALL of the talking (smile). This is OUR page. Make sure you check out the other tabs on the page. "Worth Sharing" - if you have something worth sharing, please do so. You can share anything there that you feel would be a blessing to one of your sisters - books worth reading, inspirational quotes, health care information, safety information, vacations worth taking, community programs, community events, current events, songs, poetry, - you name it, you can share it. Remember, we are here to inspire, encourage, and push each other towards becoming better women - in whatever way we can. So far I've shared a book that I think EVERYONE should read, a women's self-defense class (offered nationwide), and information on how to get your annual credit report. There is a lot going on on this page - make sure you check out the other tabs on a regular basis to see what your sisters are talking about! 

If you'd like to JOIN the blog and haven't done so yet - check along the RIGHT side of the page. There is a button that says "Join this Site" - it's quick and easy!

and "like" us on facebook!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Check Your Price Tag!

Some of you may recognize the following quip from facebook. It surfaced and was pretty popular just a few months ago:

"If you're not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you have marked yourself down. That's right - It's YOU who tell people what you're worth by what you accept. Get off the clearance rack & get behind the glass, where they keep the valuables!" 

Before we touch on this, I have a few questions for you. Don't worry, these ones are for you to ask yourself! ;) How do you find yourself being treated? Who do you most often attract? Look at your close circle - who have you surrounded yourself with? Do you feel they represent you well?
I am asking these questions because your answers can be indicators of where you have placed yourself.

Many times, woman are mistreated because they allow themselves to be mistreated, whether consciously or unconsciously. Imagine this - you walk into Tiffany & Co and you spot a beautiful diamond. Now you know diamonds, and judging from this one's cut, shine, and clarity, you know it's worth thousands of dollars. It's expensive, but you know it's worth every penny... and you are willing to pay the full price. That is until you notice the price tag hanging from the ring. It's just been marked down. Now, what is your first thought? I am sure I can tell you what your first though ISN'T. I am sure your first thought is not - "This price is marked down too low and I am going to offer the full price instead!" Think about it, how many times have you seen something on the clearance rack and had the urge to pay FULL price?! ... I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess "never". Now why is that? Well, it isn't because you don't think the item is worth the full price - but why would you pay the full price when you know you can get it for so much less? 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

One of the smallest words - yet often the HARDEST to say... "No"

Women. Such givers by nature. I could be speaking only of myself, but something tells me - I am not alone. For the majority of my life, I was the person who very rarely said "no". The few times I did say "no" could only be attributed to the fact that I'd already over-extended myself. I constantly put myself, my needs and/or wants on the back burner in an effort to be everything to everybody. Don't get me wrong - there is absolutely nothing wrong with being there for others. On the contrary, we should be there for others - but not at the cost of neglecting ourselves. My problem was that even from childhood I was always looking out for everyone else. Perhaps it was part of being the oldest child in a single-family home. I always wanted to help my mother and was always looking out for my little brothers. So for some of us, we've been wearing that hat for so long that before we know it, it has become second-nature... and sometimes to those who know us best it becomes expected of us. But do not fret, saying "no" is like anything else... practice makes perfect! :) Be encouraged and repeat after me, "no" .... Look at YOU - that wasn't so bad, was it? No it wasn't. :) Now doesn't that feel good? Let's do it again - "No" "No" "No". Okay, well now we have established that you can say "no", let's talk a little about why you don't say it more often...

There are many reasons that women find themselves saying "yes", when everything in their mind and body, sometimes even soul, is telling them to say "no".

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Intro & Welcome Message

Hello LADIES!! - and gentleman too (see "Men Weigh In") and welcome to this wonderful space! It is my hope that you will feel right at home. This page was created in an effort to facilitate purposeful (1) evolutionary(2) dialogue(3) between us women.
(1) Purposeful -a result, end, mean, aim, or goal of an action intentionally undertaken. The action that we are taking here, is to exchange wisdom via dialogue. The goal, result, aim of our action is to become better.
(2) Evolutionary - A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
(3) Dialogue - To take part in a conversation or discussion to resolve a problem.

God has placed a ministry in my heart and it is my goal and responsibility to share it with the world (YOU). It is my prayer that this page will blossom into an online community where women (yourself included) will come together to honestly and transparently discuss a wide range of topics relevant to us. It is also my prayer that in doing so, we will motivate and challenge one another to constantly progress and evolve as women of virtue. In this day and age, it's not hard to see, woman of virtue are becoming an endangered species. Look around. There is so much hopelessness and lack of direction, low self esteem, promiscuity, untapped potential, lack of values and respect, the list goes on... and it weighs heavy on my heart. It seems everywhere you look, there are oversexed images of women. What do our young girls have to look up to? Who do they model themselves after? We as women, as Sisters, have to come together. We owe it to them, as well as to ourselves, to lead and to be an example for others to look up to. The world needs more positive examples. Matthew 5:16 states, "Let your light shine before (wo)man, that they may see your good works and glorify our Father in Heaven."
Between you and I - we have been through it ALL. With that being said, we've lived. In living we've learned. We've learned from our experiences: the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly.  As Oprah has said, "Everybody has a story - and there's something to be learned from every experience." Let's learn from each other.
The bible also encourages us to teach those coming behind us, "... the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed." - Titus 2: 3-5
This blog is in the beginning stages... As we progress, I will absolutely be telling you more about myself and look forward to sharing my journey with all of you. I also look forward to hearing from you. It is my desire not to rush this page, but to allow God to move and have His way here. I am so very excited about what the future holds and I would like to thank you in advance for stopping by. Please don't be shy. Introduce yourself. I know that you have something to share that will bless your sisters and we would love to hear from you. Share the page with all of the Sisters in your life (young and old): your friends, cousins, mothers, daughters, nieces, co-workers, etc. Let's talk! .... And then, let's walk it out - because I am a firm believer that ACTION speaks louder than words.

* Please feel free to submit topics and/or pose questions you would like to discuss!

"Real Ladies! Real GOD! Real Talk! - Equipping Real Walk!" - Particpate in our INTERACTIVE dialogue!