Challenging. Supporting. Loving. Aspiring. Educating. Sharing. Uplifting. Informing. Strengthening. Encouraging. Motivating. Praying. {Women Becoming Better... Together.}

Saturday, June 7, 2014


WOMEN of SistersEVOLVE!… we are READING THE BIBLE from cover to cover! That’s RIGHT –Old AND New Testament!! That’s RIGHT – no more being unfamiliar with the Word of the God who we so love, no more living in ignorance and/or beneath our purpose, no longer will we be unequipped, defeated, weak, or uniformed. We are inviting and strongly encouraging EVERY woman connected to this ministry to READ your bible with us (DAILY). We must get God’s Word IN our hearts, before we can expect it to activate in our lives. No matter how much or how little of the Bible you've ever read, we invite YOU to read with us and to encourage your sisters! There is no pressure; everyone is reading at their own pace. (We do recommend you read a minimum of 5 chapters/day.)

For accountability and unity, we are asking everyone who commits to reading with us, to do TWO things each day until you have completed the Bible:
1. Post a single verse, from your reading {each day}, on our “READING THE BIBLE: Cover to Cover” post. For instance, if you read Genesis 1 – 6 today, choose one verse from all that you read and post it on the thread.
2. Post your scripture on your personal page and tag it #sistersevolve #readingourbibles #covertocover .

*Note: If, as you are reading, you have any questions or something impresses upon your heart that you would like to discuss with your sisters, PLEASE feel free to share those questions/comments in SE Group! We welcome the dialogue!

We are starting MAY 1ST, but NO matter when YOU are coming upon this challenge, START WITH US TODAY! Amen! We may have some in Genesis, some in Psalms, some in Romans… but we are ALL collectively progressing through our Bibles!! Amen!! We are becoming better – TOGETHER! If YOU accept this challenge, start today, in the book of Genesis and begin to read through YOUR BIBLE and prepare yourself for an amazing journey!

((WHY)) Because God’s word tells us we are to LIVE on His Word, we are to write it on our hearts that we might not sin against Him, we are to fight the enemy with His Word, we are to pray His Word and stand on His Word…. Because we are only as strong, as secure, as equipped as the WORD we KNOW. Because it is time to mature and to GROW our faith. Because we can’t teach our CHILDREN a Word WE don’t

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


{{Shining the light on our RUBY SISTERS!}}
★We celebrate you!!★
The purpose of our spotlight is to shine the light on the wonderful women of SE who have partnered in each month, to make the God-given mission and vision of Sisters Evolve a reality! Our Ruby Sisters believe in the vision and know and understand that they have a vital role in the success of SE. Take a moment to get to know your SISTERS and to encourage their hearts!

♡ Not a RUBY? ♡ Join Today! Click on our "Become a Ruby" tab!
We are celebrating the beautiful diversity of SE. Celebrating the fact that there are no barriers within SE: God is connecting women of all ages, races, locations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and more, coming together and becoming better together in the name of Jesus! These are certainly exciting times! We encourage all of you to check your sisters out as they are spotlighted.

★ When YOU (new rubies) are spotlighted ★

"Real Ladies! Real GOD! Real Talk! - Equipping Real Walk!" - Particpate in our INTERACTIVE dialogue!