Challenging. Supporting. Loving. Aspiring. Educating. Sharing. Uplifting. Informing. Strengthening. Encouraging. Motivating. Praying. {Women Becoming Better... Together.}

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Father to the Fatherless!

<< Psalm 68:5 >>
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

Growing up with an absentee father was hard, harmful, confusing, and painful. It affected me in ways I never even realized. Those of you who have went through the same experience no what I am talking about. My life went something like this..... Feelings of worthlessness, rejection, being unlovable, acting out with using drugs and alcohol. Trying to find love in men and all in the wrong ways. Abuse somehow seemed normal to me as if I thought deep down I deserved it. The way I responded to people was tainted by my poor self image and many insecurities that came from a broken relationship with my father. So any other relationship I tried to have started out broken before it ever had a chance.

... Sounds like a tragedy doesn't it? It is in fact a tragedy when daddy's don't know how to or simply refuse to be a daddy to their children. I however am no longer one of those statistics of a fatherless home. I am no longer a victim of circumstance and I am no longer fatherless. PRAISE GOD!!!! HE IS MY FATHER!!!!! He has embraced me and He is raising me! He is teaching what a father really is and giving me the guidance and discipline and direction I need in my life! He is loving me and showing me my value, my worth in His eyes. He has not left me fatherless! And to all those who may see today as painfully numbing I would like to say there is One who can love you like no other and who will bind up your heart and give you love that you have never known and at the depths which you know exist within you but didn't think anybody could ever reach. HE IS A FATHER TO THE FATHERLESS. Ask Him to embrace you today!!!
Written by:
Tami G. Theurer, SE Contributor

Celebrating FATHERS!

Let us celebrate the FATHERS in our lives! We celebrate the men God has placed in our lives and the lives of our children. Today we also take a moment to remember and honor, those Father's who are no longer with us. Their love truly lives on in our hearts. To all of our sisters, who do NOT have their Father's in their lives today (for whatever reason) we remind you - your HEAVENLY FATHER will never leave you or forsake you. ♥ You are not fatherless. You are a daughter of the Most High!

In honor of our Fathers, Grandfathers, Step Fathers, God fathers, uncles, mentors, pastors, and all of the other special men in our lives - {Comment below, to SHARE YOUR MOST PRECIOUS MEMORIES OF YOUR FATHERS AND/OR THE BEST ADVICE THEY'VE EVER GIVEN YOU}.

LET US PRAY: Dear God, today we lift up the fathers - our fathers and our children's fathers. I pray that you would bless each of them with the wisdom to be father's after Your heart. I pray that your grace would cover them and Your spirit operate in and through them. God, help these men to love their children as You love us. Help them to shower our children with Your love - patient and kind. Help them to raise the children you have entrusted to their care, in the way that You would have them to go. Help each and every father to nurture personal relationships with you, in their lives. God help them to be reflections of you and positive examples to our children. Let their lives reflect their professed beliefs. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding reign in our homes.

Lord, I pray that every father would seek You first and acknowledge You in all their ways, that You would direct their paths. Lord we pray that you would touch the hearts of any men who are NOT in their children's lives. We pray that they would no longer be content living life this way - failing to uphold their fatherly duties. God, we pray that you would teach them how to be FATHERS. We ask that you would show them HOW to be FATHERS.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Special Announcements!! - Official Membership and SE MeetUP Registration!!

Hello, dear SE Readers!! I am so excited to share the following announcements with you all. 
Please take just a moment to check them out! 

#1. YOU can {now}become a Certified Member of SistersEVOLVE!! Special deal for the FIRST 250 to register!!
CLICK HERE, for more information and to register today!!
All CERTIFIED Members will receive a certificate of membership (which identifies your personalized and unique sister #, for example: sister #221, #222, etc),  
a subscription to our quarterly "members-only" SE Newsletter, a token of our appreciation, and a letter from the Founder.
Join today, and take your participation to the NEXT level - officially partner in to this awesome sisterhood of Christian Women, Becoming Better - Together.

Together Everyone Achieves More
#2. Registration is now open for our 1st Annual Nat'l MeetUP, in LAS VEGAS, NV, August 24-26th, 2012!! CLICK HERE, for more information and to register today!
Sisters Evolve MeetUp – las vegas –  
August 24-26th, 2012!!!
3 Days of fun, fellowship, prayer, outreach, purposeful evolutionary dialogue, prayer, and MORE!

"Real Ladies! Real GOD! Real Talk! - Equipping Real Walk!" - Particpate in our INTERACTIVE dialogue!