Challenging. Supporting. Loving. Aspiring. Educating. Sharing. Uplifting. Informing. Strengthening. Encouraging. Motivating. Praying. {Women Becoming Better... Together.}

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Little of This A Little of That

From my heart, to yours...

My heart is heavy today, as my Father’s heart is heavy. He wants so much for His people, yet we are continually content with so little: little faith, little righteousness, little strength, little courage, little purity, little holiness, little respect, little integrity, little peace, little love, little compassion, little wisdom, little application of God’s word… little accountability…little of this … and little of that. God’s spirit in me is crying out, “WHERE ARE MY PEOPLE?” How is there no distinction between US and the world?

Over the past few days and weeks, I have spent some time scrolling on my fb newsfeed. Generally, I do not have much time to do so. The time I spend on facebook is usually dedicated to ministry, sisters evolve, and responding to messages from members/sisters. However, lately, I’ve been observing the posts in my newsfeed more and more. What I am seeing has broken my heart. More than that, God is showing me how much it BREAKS HIS - daily. If MY heart can hurt for His people…. How much MORE-SO does His heart hurt for us all!?

What am I talking about? I’m talking about my fellow brothers and sisters in the faith, living lives that completely contradict EVERYTHING their professed Lord & Savior lived and died for them to have and to be. I’m talking about this lax attitude we have toward God, holiness, and righteousness. I’m talking about the profanity, the content of the posts, the lifestyles being portrayed and lived, the “light yourself on fire” and “hold your breath until you pass out or go into a seizure” videos and challenges OUR YOUTH are participating in on facebook AND many ADULTS are sharing! I’m talking about the way our men and women interact with one another. I’m talking about how CHRISTIANS are LIVING behind closed doors and PUBLICLY. I’m talking about PEWS being filled to the max on SUNDAY and no EVIDENCE of CHRIST being evident anywhere in anyone’s lives the other SIX ½ days of the week! Dear, God. (tears)

Do we not realize there is a DIRECT connection between the LACK of righteousness in the Christian life and the LACK of progression, prosperity, and peace. You know WHY?? Because these are the fruits of HIS SPIRIT! If His spirit is not dwelling within us, how then can we expect to produce His fruit??

Some of you reading this are thinking, “That’s right! Christians need to get it together!”

But you don't realize this is for you.God is speaking to YOU. This is to ALL of us… not ONE of us is giving God what He deserves. Granted, yes, some may be missing the mark by a mile, and you, only by an inch… but if we are missing the mark, we’re missing the mark – it doesn’t matter if we are missing it by a millimeter. We are missing it. Time to search our hearts. Time to really examine our lives. Search your OWN heart. Make up your mind, your heart, and your soul to actually start LOVING GOD with your LIFE today.

I am talking directly to CHRISTIANS. No one else. Do you actually KNOW the God who saved you, loves you, created you, and purposed you to live in a time such as this???? Do you truly KNOW Him??? Please do not deceive yourself. Your LIFE indicates that you do NOT. Your very life, the way you live it…. Indicates He is NOT present with you… He is not ruling in your heart. You are not abiding in His presence. You do not know His word or His love, and the Word you do know, you are not applying. You see, you could NEVER experience the love of God, receive His spirit IN YOU, and continue in SIN like this, be content in SIN like this, dwell in SIN… NO! His spirit in You causes CHANGE! It causes you to HUNGER for HIM, to strive to be like Him, to TURN AWAY from your sinful ways, to love what He loves, to hate what He hates, to LIVE FOR HIM, because HE DIED FOR YOU. 

You think you are ALIVE in SIN? You are not. You are DEAD in sin. That’s why your finances are dead, your peace is dead, your marriage is dead, your health is dead, if all around you there is nothing but death… that is not CHRIST.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

SE Breakfast & Mega Meet - TODAY!! 10a-3pm Las Vegas!!

"Real Ladies. Real GOD. Real Talk. - Equipping REAL WALK!"
 Mega Meet - TODAY!! 10a-3pm Las Vegas!! 
>>>>>>> NEW LOCATION!!<<<<<<<<< 
✿ BREAKFAST MEET & GREET: 10am - 11:30a
@ Dennys (in the Fiesta Hotel) 2400 N. Rancho Drive COST: (approx $10-$15/person) - please bring cash to improve ease of checkout.
✿ SE MEGAMEET! : 12 noon - 3pm @ NEHEMIAH MINISTRIES (3606 N. Rancho Drive, Las Vegas, NV) - FREE to attend. ($10 suggested donation)

Not local? As always, all Mini-Meets are also STREAMED LIVE on u-stream for all of our Gold & Platinum Ruby Members!!  We invite you all to tune in live and participate in the dialogue! Click here to watch us live: !  LIVE BROADCASTING WILL BEGIN AT 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern.

You can also access the dialogue we will be following, here:

NOTE: No cost to attend, but donations are needed, accepted, and appreciated!! {SUGGESTED DONATION: $10.00 } We will also have SE T-SHIRTS and WRISTBANDS available for purchase!!

Bible Drive: We are also collecting new or gently-used Bibles as part of our His Word- IN - Her Hands Bible drive!! 

SE MegaMeets's provide an opportunity for SISTERS to connect & build Godly relationships, meeting & greeting,
interactive dialogue, prayer, group bible study, fun, and fellowship as the spirit moves us. We take what we have here online, to the next level, in-person! We [SE Team leaders] are SO excited for the opportunity to meet you all in-person!! Come out & bring a friend! Let's become better - TOGETHER.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Unusual Love!

From my heart to yours. { Single Men & Women }

I am moved to write and share with you all. God is showing me that this love He's blessed me/us with is bigger than Rob and I. You see, I always prayed that my relationship and eventually my marriage would be a reflection of Christ... a ministry. I have been blessed over the past months, as friends (male & female) have reached out and shared that our relationship has blessed them in some way. *tears* People, hear me when I tell you - God answers prayers. 

As many of you who follow my page know, over the past few months I have been sharing of the LOVE that is in my life. Particularly, I am referring to the wonderful, loving, patient, (and handsome!) man of God that has come into my life and loved me in such a way that my heart never knew possible. 

Oh, don't get me wrong, I knew GOD'S LOVE for myself and I trusted Him to bless me with His very BEST for me... but I had NO idea just how awesome HIS BEST would be. Funny, because I know how AWESOME my God is, you'd think I would have had an idea of how awesome the man He'd let hold my heart would also be. Ha! My human mind had no clue. WE live in a world in which "love" is becoming a rarity. Real love. Godly love. We just don't SEE it and I believe this has impacted us (more than we know). 

Because we rarely SEE what His love looks like, we have unconsciously lowered our standards and expectations for love.

"Real Ladies! Real GOD! Real Talk! - Equipping Real Walk!" - Particpate in our INTERACTIVE dialogue!