Challenging. Supporting. Loving. Aspiring. Educating. Sharing. Uplifting. Informing. Strengthening. Encouraging. Motivating. Praying. {Women Becoming Better... Together.}

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Get Involved & Make a Difference!

Sisters Evolve is getting ready to go to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of BETTER! Amen. God is calling us to MORE!! We need YOUR help! ✦ ✦ {{ If YOU ARE AT ALL INTERESTED IN getting involved in the ministry in any way, NOW is the time. Please make ALL EFFORTS to ATTEND this meeting.}} ✦ ✦ We are hoping to fill ALL slots during this meeting.

In order for us to accomplish and operate in all that He has planned for us, we need A FEW GOOD WOMEN. Women after God's own heart who are ready, willing, and able to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I need women who are ready to DO. Women who desire to share God's LOVE in action. Reliable women. Hard workers. Women who know there is BETTER to offer the young girls and women in the world. Women who are ready to STAND UP FOR VIRTUE, and lead by example. Women who are ready to share the GIFTS & TALENTS God has placed within them.

IS THIS YOU? Together we can accomplish more.
✦ ✦ {{SE RUBY MEMBERS especially, I am hoping to see you all RISE to the occasion! This is YOUR ministry and it will be as great as YOU help it to be.}} ✦ ✦

>>> LOCATION: 4550 S. Maryland Parkway << >> THE COFFEE BEAN <<

Thursday Aug. 15th // 7p-8p

Habakkuk 2:2 Write the vision. And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.

✦ ✦ Ways to get involved, include, but are NOT limited to:
Heartbeat Ministry
SE Street Team
Greeters (at SE events)
Photography Team
Administrative Assistant (to LaCrea)
SE Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator (public relations liason)
Fundraising Team

✦ ✦ ✦
Would YOU like to connect with your SISTERS in Christ? Make & build Godly friendships? Exchange purposeful evolutionary dialogue? Serve your community? Fellowship with like-minded women? Network? If so, come out!JOIN THE MOVEMENT! 'REAL Ladies. REAL God. REAL Talk. - Equipping REAL WALK!' Attend an event. Invite a friend. Become a part of something special TODAY! - Join us at an upcoming event.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

SE Television Debut - THIS SUNDAY the CW channel!

SET YOUR DVR TODAY!! Mark your calendar! Set an alarm in your phones!! We {Sisters Evolve leadership AND members} are going to be on television - sharing what God is doing in and through all of the wonderful amazing women connected to this ministry!!! I AM SO EXCITED!! I would so very much LOVE and APPRECIATE your support by tuning in on Sunday AND by SHARING this event today!! Call your friends. Forward this email. Help us spread the word.

For those who have COX CABLE, it airs on channel 6.
PRISM airs on channel 33.
Direct TV CHANNEL 33  
The show is called "BALANCED LIFE TODAY" and airs at 9:30am THIS SUNDAY.
I am confident that everyone who tunes in, WILL be blessed. The women are sharing some extraordinary acts of God. He is so REAL. Tune in. Share this event with others. Be blessed & BE a blessing!!
✦ ✦ God NEVER ceases to amaze ME!!!  ✦ ✦

⁇⁇ For anyone who has been curious as to what Sisters Evolve: Christian Women, Becoming Better - TOGETHER! is all about - TUNE IN and see for yourself, as members share what their experience has been - powerful testimonies!!
"Real Ladies. Real GOD. Real Talk. - Equipping REAL WALK!"

Special THANK YOU to DR. Juanita Thomas for having us on her show: "Balanced Life Today TV"!!

CONNECT TODAY: Join the movement!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Heart Check. What would YOU have done?

Pastor Jeremiah Steepek (pictured below) transformed himself into a homeless person and went to the 10,000 member church that he was to be introduced as the head pastor at that morning. He walked around his soon to be church for 30 minutes while it was filling with people for service, only 3 people out of the 7,000-10,000 people said hello to him. He asked people for change to buy food - NO ONE in the church gave him change. He went into the sanctuary to sit down in the front of the church and was asked by the ushers if he would please sit n the back. He greeted people to be greeted back with stares and dirty looks, with people looking down on him and judging him.

As he sat in the back of the church, he listened to the church announcements and such. When all that was done, the elders went up and were excited to introduce the new pastor of the church to the congregation. "We would like to introduce to you Pastor Jeremiah Steepek." The congregation looked around clapping with joy and anticipation. The homeless man sitting in the back stood up and started walking down the aisle. The clapping stopped with ALL eyes on him. He walked up the altar and took the microphone from the elders (who were in on this) and paused for a moment then he recited,

"Real Ladies! Real GOD! Real Talk! - Equipping Real Walk!" - Particpate in our INTERACTIVE dialogue!