In Luke 14:23, we are commanded to "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." Paul also told the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:20, "And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house." These passages make it very clear that Christians are not only supposed to take the Gospel to the private homes of the lost, but also to the public streets. We are called to share God's word with the WORLD. So as part of our efforts to REACH others, we are going to begin hosting SE Door-to-Door events regularly! We currently have events scheduled for DC and Vegas, but in order to reach as many women as possible, in as many cities as possible, we will need YOUR help! If you would like to volunteer to serve as a "SE City REACH Coordinator" (SE -CRC), please let us know and we can put YOUR city on the SE map! You will be the one to host the event in your city. We will provide you with an outline as to how the event is to be conducted and you will serve as our contact person in your city. This way as sisters RSVP, they can contact you to find out where you all will be meeting. We must have a designated CRC in a city, in order to host a Door-to-Door there. If interested in becoming a CRC for your city, please email us at!
Our 1st SE Reach Door-to-door events will be held
THIS Saturday, April 28, 2012 from 11:00am until 1:00pm
in Washington DC and Las Vegas, NV!!
We will meet for two hours and canvass the selected
neighborhood in pairs of two. We will wear our SE T-shirts [or pink & gray]
and flood the neighborhood with SistersEVOLVE!! To GOD be the glory!!! We will
go door-to-door, with SE fliers and business cards, informing the women and
young girls in the neighborhood of WHO we are, WHAT we are doing, and HOW they
can join us and get connected. We will also offer prayer for any who would so
desire. This is going to be an awesome opportunity to spread the word about SistersEVOLVE in your community, but MORE than that, this is
an opportunity to share JESUS and His love, in your