How to Donate:
- - - We have over 1700 people connected to SE… {{we are hoping and praying that at least 100 members will be willing & able to sow a $20 seed.}} We spend more than that in a fast food restaurant drive-thru, a night at the movies, a baseball game, etc ... and HERE we are talking about reaching and teaching women for Jesus Christ. We are talking about sharing His light with women all over the world, who otherwise may never be reached... we are talking about so much more than a movie or a burger!! Many of you may only know SE as our online presence - and if that is the case, I encourage you to explore our website and learn just how much MORE we are than our online presence. I thank God for our web ministry, but my sisters, it is our mission to reach women and young girls on a much broader spectrum!! We have LOCAL efforts in Las Vegas, NV... We are working on so much behind the scenes. It is imperative that we obtain Non-Profit Certification ASAP and that will cost us between $500-$1000 (with legal consultation). We will soon be launching our SE "Heart-to-Heart" Academy in Las Vegas, NV for girls/young ladies, ages 12-20. This will be a 52-week program, which will transform the lives of the young girls who are able to participate in it! We are here to replace the negative images and cycles of women, with positive ones. Creating NEW cycles in Christ! This is only the beginning. These Heart-to-Heart Academies will have campuses all over the world! This is HIS vision for SE!! We are starting in Vegas, but it won't stop here! God is moving!!! He has placed books within us (which we are working towards writing and publishing), a prayer line, Apps for I-phones and Android, a Bible drive to get His word in the hands of victims of sex-trafficking... There is SO much that God has called us to do! And it starts right here, with EACH of us! Our goal is to connect 50,000 women in Christ in the next TWO years!! Together, through the grace of God, WE CAN DO IT!! Above and beyond all that we can even think or imagine!!! <<< Those are God's words, not mine! *smile*
Together - Everyone - Achieves - More
Our invitation to you,