Challenging. Supporting. Loving. Aspiring. Educating. Sharing. Uplifting. Informing. Strengthening. Encouraging. Motivating. Praying. {Women Becoming Better... Together.}

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

{{NOVEMBER SE FUNDRAISER!}} $10, $20, or $30

We need YOUR help! Through the GRACE of God, so much has been accomplished over the past year in and through SE... Now please, pause for a moment and consider just how much MORE we could do, how many MORE lives we could reach, if ALL OF OUR MEMBERS/SUBSCRIBERS are moved to sow into our ministry! We are asking YOU for a gift of $10, $20, or $30 (but certainly aren’t limiting you to any amount). If you choose to donate $30, you will also become a certified member and receive a SE T-SHIRT (ladies only)! For our male supporters, you will receive a subscription to our quarterly newsletter, so we can keep you abreast of all that you are helping us to accomplish!
 How to Donate:

Click “buy” 
Enter donation amount
Enter our email address

- - - We have over 1700 people connected to SE… {{we are hoping and praying that at least 100 members will be willing & able to sow a $20 seed.}} We spend more than that in a fast food restaurant drive-thru, a night at the movies, a baseball game, etc ... and HERE we are talking about reaching and teaching women for Jesus Christ. We are talking about sharing His light with women all over the world, who otherwise may never be reached... we are talking about so much more than a movie or a burger!! Many of you may only know SE as our online presence - and if that is the case, I encourage you to explore our website and learn just how much MORE we are than our online presence. I thank God for our web ministry, but my sisters, it is our mission to reach women and young girls on a much broader spectrum!! We have LOCAL efforts in Las Vegas, NV... We are working on so much behind the scenes. It is imperative that we obtain Non-Profit Certification ASAP and that will cost us between $500-$1000 (with legal consultation). We will soon be launching our SE "Heart-to-Heart" Academy in Las Vegas, NV for girls/young ladies, ages 12-20. This will be a 52-week program, which will transform the lives of the young girls who are able to participate in it! We are here to replace the negative images and cycles of women, with positive ones. Creating NEW cycles in Christ! This is only the beginning. These Heart-to-Heart Academies will have campuses all over the world! This is HIS vision for SE!! We are starting in Vegas, but it won't stop here! God is moving!!! He has placed books within us (which we are working towards writing and publishing), a prayer line, Apps for I-phones and Android, a Bible drive to get His word in the hands of victims of sex-trafficking... There is SO much that God has called us to do! And it starts right here, with EACH of us! Our goal is to connect 50,000 women in Christ in the next TWO years!! Together, through the grace of God, WE CAN DO IT!! Above and beyond all that we can even think or imagine!!! <<< Those are God's words, not mine! *smile*
Together - Everyone - Achieves - More

Our invitation to you,

Thursday, October 25, 2012

AreYOU in the 4-6% or the 94-96%?

Last night, I attended Bible Study at a local church. Let's call it Church X. There were approx 50 people in attendance. Now this church holds THREE jam-packed services on Sundays, with probably no fewer than 250-400 people per service. So on any given Sunday, approx 750-1200 people attend service at Church X. Yet on Wednesday evening, there were less than 50 people in attendance. This means only between 4-6% of the congregation attends Bible Study. So 94-96% of the congregation is only attending ONE service/week. Now this is not specific to this church only - I have witnessed this phenomenon at other churches - pretty much EVERY church I have ever attended/visited. In fact, I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say this is the norm. The thing is, I can't help but wonder WHY.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching" Hebrews 10:24-25

I remember the year I dedicated my life to Christ and professed Him as my Lord and Savior. I too, "began" (remember this word) by attending Sunday Service ONLY... That was short-lived! I couldn't get enough of His word. I couldn't get enough of being in His presence. I quickly began attending two, sometimes all three services on Sundays... then shortly after that, I realized there was also a weekly service on Thursdays... It piqued my curiosity. I attended Bible Study the following Thursday... and my Sisters, I was HOOKED!!! I couldn't believe I had been missing out all that time! To me, it only took that one Bible Study to realize that was where the MEAT AND POTATOES was served! :) This is where the GROWTH and LEARNING occurred. Even then I couldn't understand how/why so few people were in attendance. From that moment on, I have been a regular at Bible Study, or Bible Immersion as it is known at Berean Christian Fellowship. There is so much learning and teaching that takes place then, that it's come to a point where, when I invite people to visit my church I am more likely to invite them to attend Bible Study, than I am Sunday Service!

Why? Because to me, Sunday is more-so focused around Praise & Worship. Which is GREAT. If you know me, you know I LOVE praise & worship. But just as much as I love to worship, I love to LEARN the word of God. We cannot apply that which we do not KNOW. God's word tells us to write His word on our heart's that we might not sin against Him. If you feel like you are coming up short in your walk with Christ, could it be that you do not have enough of His word written on your heart?
Weeknight services are about digging deep in the Word of God. There is more time allotted to studying His word. (**Sidenote - this is assuming you are in a bible-teaching church. If you are attending services and rarely find yourself opening, or even BRINGING your bible, you may want to consult with God and find out if you are in the right place! You want to be in a place that feeds your spirit - that teaches you the BIBLE. You want to be in a place that pulls and challenges your faith to grow - to mature spiritually. This brings to mind a past writing I did on Choosing Your Church Home - "Who Chose Your Church Home? You, Him, or Them?") It is usually

Monday, October 22, 2012

SistersCONNECT! - "One Scripture?"

Q: If you could only share ONE verse (or ONE selection of verses, for instance Romans 8:28-20), with someone who is not saved (does not know Jesus as their Lord & Savior) - what would it be?? 
 {PS - I really cannot wait to hear your responses. ♥ Please COMMENT below!

THERE ARE NO WRONG ANSWERS. The purpose of SistersCONNECT! is to continue to develop our Godly connections, connect and relate to one another, learn and grow, and facilitate an avenue for healing, through discussion and prayer.
There will be sporadic polls/questions presented, which will vary and cover a WIDE range of topics, from the simple fun things in life (favorite book, dream vacation spot, etc) ... to the deep core issues of life (goals, fears, passions, struggles, ambitions, etc). I encourage you all to participate - the more participation, the better. Let's be as transparent and honest as possible. We are stepping out, in faith. We are growing, in Christ, together. We ALL have a story to tell, and someone is sure to be blessed by yours.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SE Reach! *This Saturday* - Operation Hope!

HOMELESSNESS is REAL in Las Vegas. YOU can help.
Throughout the gospels, Jesus teaches us that in order to be loved, we are to love; in order to be served, we are to serve; in order to be encouraged, we are to encourage; and thus in order to have hope, we are to provide hope to others
Las Vegas - Join us at 8am on Oct. 20th!! And the 3rd Saturday of EVERY month, at the Champion Center, as we partner with OPERATION HOPE in serving the needs of the homeless community of Las Vegas, NV. 
[[ 3900 E. Bonanza Road ]] Near Bonanza & Pecos // 8am - 12pm // THIS SATURDAY and every 3rd Saturday of the month.
Operation Hope: For over 20 years, The Champion Center has been serving the needs of the homeless community of Las Vegas through its Operation Hope Ministry, under the direction of Sam and Cynthia Chagoi.

- - - As volunteers, we will help to prepare and serve food, clothing, toiletries and blankets. - - -

NOTE: We will be outdoors. Dress for the weather. Please bring/wear sunscreen! Dress comfortably! Children ages 10+ are WELCOME to volunteer, with a parent present! Perfect opportunity to serve as a FAMILY! SE Sisters, you are welcome to extend this invitation to serve, to your friends and family! This is not a small operation - the MORE help, the better!

ANOTHER WAY TO BE A BLESSING: Donate! We are in need of BLANKETS, toiletries, AND gently-used women's, men's, and children's clothing. **WE need BLANKETS!** The fall/winter season is approaching. Please be a blessing. DONATE A BLANKET today! We also encourage you to take a look in your closet! Anything you have not worn in the last 6 months, consider blessing someone less fortunate than yourself. Every little bit helps. You are impacting the lives of hundreds, in Jesus' name. Thank you. ♥ Together Everyone Achieves More!! To God be the glory!! ...
If you will be serving with us, please bring your donations on Saturday. If you would like to donate, but will not be in attendance on Saturday, please let us know and we will make an effort to pick the donations up!!
  *3 very real ways to BE A BLESSING *
 >>Please, if you can't do ALL 3, do at least one.*<<

Monday, October 15, 2012

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

My dear Sisters, domestic violence is a very serious issue. One that affects us all - whether directly or indirectly. The purpose of this discussion is to bring an awareness and an outlet for us to share. Know that there are people that although we've never met, sincerely love you. There are people, myself included, that CARE about you. I pray that anyone reading this today, who is involved in an abusive relationship would consider leaving and/or seeking help. You are a daughter of God. I do not believe it to EVER be His will for your life and the lives of your children to live in harm's way. We have to realize how precious we are in the eyes of God. We have to put our children first; they need you, alive and well. To the MEN reading this, my brothers, I care about YOU as well. Hurt people, hurt people. If you are in a relationship in which you feel you have lost control - love the one you love enough to walk away - get help, and if it is meant to be, one day you can return to the relationship and BE a blessing to the woman you love. There is no shame in seeking help. It takes courage and it is admirable. If you or anyone you know has ever experienced an abusive situation, and have a story/testimony to share, anything that you feel would help another, who may be in the same place you once were, please share. You can comment below. What you have to say, just might save a life. As well, here at SistersEVOLVE we believe in the power in prayer. Please feel free to share the prayers of your heart as comments below!

Statistics state 1 in 3 women is a victim of domestic violence... if 1 in 3 women are victims of domestic violence, then that means we are ALL impacted by it. Let's make it real to you. We have 1655 members in our Facebook Group. Let's do the math. At 1-in-3 odds...  546! of our members could have been victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives, if not right now... These women are our mothers, daughters, nieces, sisters, friends, co-workers, classmates, etc. and WE CAN NOT BRUSH THIS UNDER THE RUG. Please, I urge ALL of you to take 1 minute of your day - and watch this video clip - and then, to SHARE it. Also, if YOU or someone YOU know is involved in a violent relationship right now, please reach out, it can mean the difference between LIFE or death. {{PLEASE WATCH & SHARE}} - Powerful video!!

Domestic Violence Awareness month. ♥ Be the change you want to see!

{Danger Assessment Survey} The following info and assessment were taken from This assessment can be taken on behalf of yourself OR a friend/family member. Everyone deserves to be safe and healthy in their relationship, including when a relationship ends. Sometimes it can be hard to determine whether you're experiencing the typical ups and downs of relationship stress and conflict, or whether you're experiencing an abusive relationship that puts you at risk of deadly violence. This app is designed to inform you of your risk of being killed by an abusive partner or ex-partner.

If YOU or someone YOU know is in an abusive relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) or your local domestic violence center to talk with someone about it. Reach out and discuss your concerns and questions. It can mean the difference between LIFE & death.

Let's be informed - the following info was taken from:

What is Domestic Violence?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

LET US PRAY - For Our Children

Dear God, as our children are embarking on yet another day, week, month, and year of new experiences, learning, challenges, and growth, we would like to take this moment to [thank you]. Thank you for entrusting your most precious gifts (our children) - to us. God, I ask that you would bless us (parents) with wisdom. Help us to be mothers and fathers who sow wisdom into our children. Help us to lead by example. Let us not only be hearers ourselves, but doers of your word. Teach us to LOVE our sons & daughters with Your perfect love - patient and kind. Help us to be firm yet forgiving. Forgiving of our children when they make mistakes and/or bad decisions... Lord God, and help us to FORGIVE OURSELVES when we fall short.

Renew and refresh our spirits daily. Lord, help us to express to our children just how precious they truly are to us. Help us to maintain balance in our lives. Lord, bless our relationships with our children. Embed in their hearts that we are their safe haven. We know that school/life can be harder for some than for others, Lord, let our children never feel alone or hopeless, let their always be an open line of communication between us and our children. Help us to remain aware of what takes place in our children's lives. Lord, let not their hearts be heavy. As they face challenges, disappointments, and adversity, help them stand strong, in you. Let them know that in You they can do ALL things.

Monday, October 1, 2012

"Mommy, please teach me His ways."

-{SE Mothers, Moms, Mommies!}-  I have been meaning to write to you for a while. You and your children, have been on my heart over the last few weeks. I want to ask you all a question. It is a question my dear Pastor Deborah Dukes, posed to me years ago (to the congregation really, but I applied it personally)... a question that truly changed MY life and my daughter's life... I pray that you all will apply this question personally as well, and truly search your own heart.
The Bible instructs us very clearly, what our role as a parent is to be. There are a plethora of scripture; I will share two:
[Deuteronomy 6:6-9] And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
[Deuteronomy 4:9]  “Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children—"

THE QUESTION IS THIS: How have you/do you actively play a role in cultivating your child's faith? Is the ONLY time they see you in prayer, reading your bible, in praise, or worship on SUNDAY during service? Does your LIFE example correspond with the Word and lessons you endeavor to instill upon them? Do you realize your ACTIONS speak volumes louder than your WORDS? Do you pray as a family? Do you read your bibles together? Practice memory verses? Do devotionals together?

What are you actively doing, as a (Christian) mother, to help grow your child's faith?

Now please know this -

"Real Ladies! Real GOD! Real Talk! - Equipping Real Walk!" - Particpate in our INTERACTIVE dialogue!