(Are you okay?) Today is a holiday... a day
many are able to spend with their families and loved ones. On this day,
however, as one who has lost dear family members, I am aware and
sensitive to the fact that not everyone is able to do
so. There may be hearts that are heavy on today. There may be brothers
or sisters that feel alone or lonely. If that is you, reach out to
me/us. Let me pray with you. Let your sisters encourage and love on you.
Know that you are loved. Know that God has purpose for your life. Know
that joy cometh... I am a testament to that. Loss hurts, but God sent
His Son that we would have LIFE and that more abundantly and when we
abide in Him, He will restore LOVE to your life. No one can ever replace
the family and loved ones we have lost, but God can (and will) fill
your life and heart with love. God IS love. He loves you. If you are crying... cry out to HIM. HE will answer and He will heal your heart. Love you to life. Have a blessed thanksgiving on purpose, in His presence, peace, and joy.
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