From my heart, to yours...
My heart is heavy today, as my Father’s heart is heavy. He wants so
much for His people, yet we are continually content with so little:
little faith, little righteousness, little strength, little courage,
little purity, little holiness, little
respect, little integrity, little peace, little love, little compassion,
little wisdom, little application of God’s word… little
accountability…little of this … and little of that. God’s spirit in me
is crying out, “WHERE ARE MY PEOPLE?” How is there no distinction
between US and the world?
Over the past few days and weeks, I
have spent some time scrolling on my fb newsfeed. Generally, I do not
have much time to do so. The time I spend on facebook is usually dedicated to
ministry, sisters evolve, and responding to messages from
members/sisters. However, lately, I’ve been observing the
posts in my newsfeed more and more. What I am seeing has broken my
heart. More than that, God is showing me how much it BREAKS HIS - daily.
If MY heart can hurt for His people…. How much MORE-SO does His heart
hurt for us all!?
What am I talking about? I’m talking about
my fellow brothers and sisters in the faith, living lives that
completely contradict EVERYTHING their professed Lord & Savior lived
and died for them to have and to be. I’m talking about this lax
attitude we have toward God, holiness, and righteousness. I’m talking
about the profanity, the content of the posts, the lifestyles being
portrayed and lived, the “light yourself on fire” and “hold your breath
until you pass out or go into a seizure” videos and challenges OUR YOUTH
are participating in on facebook AND many ADULTS are sharing! I’m
talking about the way our men and women interact with one another. I’m
talking about how CHRISTIANS are LIVING behind closed doors and
PUBLICLY. I’m talking about PEWS being filled to the max on SUNDAY and
no EVIDENCE of CHRIST being evident anywhere in anyone’s lives the other
SIX ½ days of the week! Dear, God. (tears)
Do we not realize
there is a DIRECT connection between the LACK of righteousness in the
Christian life and the LACK of progression, prosperity, and peace. You
know WHY?? Because these are the fruits of HIS SPIRIT! If His spirit is
not dwelling within us, how then can we expect to produce His fruit??
Some of you reading this are thinking, “That’s right! Christians need to get
it together!”
But you don't realize this is for you.God is speaking to YOU. This
is to ALL of us… not ONE of us is giving God what He deserves. Granted,
yes, some may be missing the mark by a mile, and you, only by an inch…
but if we are missing the mark, we’re missing the mark – it doesn’t
matter if we are missing it by a millimeter. We are missing it. Time to search our hearts. Time to really examine our lives. Search your OWN heart. Make up your mind,
your heart, and your soul to actually start LOVING GOD with your LIFE today.
I am talking directly to CHRISTIANS. No one else. Do you actually KNOW
the God who saved you, loves you, created you, and purposed you to live
in a time such as this???? Do you truly KNOW Him??? Please do not
deceive yourself. Your LIFE indicates that you do NOT. Your very life, the way you live it….
Indicates He is NOT present with you… He is not ruling in your heart.
You are not abiding in His presence. You do not know His word or His
love, and the Word you do know, you are not applying. You see, you could NEVER experience the love of God, receive His
spirit IN YOU, and continue in SIN like this, be content in SIN like
this, dwell in SIN… NO! His spirit in You causes CHANGE! It causes you
to HUNGER for HIM, to strive to be like Him, to TURN AWAY from your
sinful ways, to love what He loves, to hate what He hates, to LIVE FOR
You think you are ALIVE in SIN? You are
not. You are DEAD in sin. That’s why your finances are dead, your peace
is dead, your marriage is dead, your health is dead, if all around you there
is nothing but death… that is not CHRIST.
Connecting SISTERS in Christ! & Building Godly relationships! - - Ecc 4:9-10 - - "Real Ladies. Real GOD. Real Talk. - Equipping REAL WALK!"
Challenging. Supporting. Loving. Aspiring. Educating. Sharing. Uplifting. Informing. Strengthening. Encouraging. Motivating. Praying. {Women Becoming Better... Together.}
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Saturday, July 12, 2014
SE Breakfast & Mega Meet - TODAY!! 10a-3pm Las Vegas!!
"Real Ladies. Real GOD. Real Talk. - Equipping REAL WALK!"
Mega Meet - TODAY!! 10a-3pm Las Vegas!!
>>>>>>> NEW LOCATION!!<<<<<<<<<
✿ BREAKFAST MEET & GREET: 10am - 11:30a
@ Dennys (in the Fiesta Hotel) 2400 N. Rancho Drive COST: (approx $10-$15/person) - please bring cash to improve ease of checkout.
✿ SE MEGAMEET! : 12 noon - 3pm @ NEHEMIAH MINISTRIES (3606 N. Rancho Drive, Las Vegas, NV) - FREE to attend. ($10 suggested donation)
Not local? As always, all Mini-Meets are also STREAMED LIVE on u-stream for all of our Gold & Platinum Ruby Members!! We invite you all to tune in live and participate in the dialogue! Click here to watch us live: ! LIVE BROADCASTING WILL BEGIN AT 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern.
You can also access the dialogue we will be following, here:
NOTE: No cost to attend, but donations are needed, accepted, and appreciated!! {SUGGESTED DONATION: $10.00 } We will also have SE T-SHIRTS and WRISTBANDS available for purchase!!
Bible Drive: We are also collecting new or gently-used Bibles as part of our His Word- IN - Her Hands Bible drive!!
SE MegaMeets's provide an opportunity for SISTERS to connect & build Godly relationships, meeting & greeting, interactive dialogue, prayer, group bible study, fun, and fellowship as the spirit moves us. We take what we have here online, to the next level, in-person! We [SE Team leaders] are SO excited for the opportunity to meet you all in-person!! Come out & bring a friend! Let's become better - TOGETHER.
Mega Meet - TODAY!! 10a-3pm Las Vegas!!
>>>>>>> NEW LOCATION!!<<<<<<<<<
✿ BREAKFAST MEET & GREET: 10am - 11:30a
@ Dennys (in the Fiesta Hotel) 2400 N. Rancho Drive COST: (approx $10-$15/person) - please bring cash to improve ease of checkout.
✿ SE MEGAMEET! : 12 noon - 3pm @ NEHEMIAH MINISTRIES (3606 N. Rancho Drive, Las Vegas, NV) - FREE to attend. ($10 suggested donation)
Not local? As always, all Mini-Meets are also STREAMED LIVE on u-stream for all of our Gold & Platinum Ruby Members!! We invite you all to tune in live and participate in the dialogue! Click here to watch us live: ! LIVE BROADCASTING WILL BEGIN AT 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern.
You can also access the dialogue we will be following, here:
NOTE: No cost to attend, but donations are needed, accepted, and appreciated!! {SUGGESTED DONATION: $10.00 } We will also have SE T-SHIRTS and WRISTBANDS available for purchase!!
Bible Drive: We are also collecting new or gently-used Bibles as part of our His Word- IN - Her Hands Bible drive!!
SE MegaMeets's provide an opportunity for SISTERS to connect & build Godly relationships, meeting & greeting, interactive dialogue, prayer, group bible study, fun, and fellowship as the spirit moves us. We take what we have here online, to the next level, in-person! We [SE Team leaders] are SO excited for the opportunity to meet you all in-person!! Come out & bring a friend! Let's become better - TOGETHER.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Unusual Love!
From my heart to yours. { Single Men & Women }
I am moved to write and share with you all. God is showing me that this love He's blessed me/us with is bigger than Rob and I. You see, I always prayed that my relationship and eventually my marriage would be a reflection of Christ... a ministry. I have been blessed over the past months, as friends (male & female) have reached out and shared that our relationship has blessed them in some way. *tears* People, hear me when I tell you - God answers prayers.
As many of you who follow my page know, over the past few months I have been sharing of the LOVE that is in my life. Particularly, I am referring to the wonderful, loving, patient, (and handsome!) man of God that has come into my life and loved me in such a way that my heart never knew possible.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I knew GOD'S LOVE for myself and I trusted Him to bless me with His very BEST for me... but I had NO idea just how awesome HIS BEST would be. Funny, because I know how AWESOME my God is, you'd think I would have had an idea of how awesome the man He'd let hold my heart would also be. Ha! My human mind had no clue. WE live in a world in which "love" is becoming a rarity. Real love. Godly love. We just don't SEE it and I believe this has impacted us (more than we know).
Because we rarely SEE what His love looks like, we have unconsciously lowered our standards and expectations for love.
I am moved to write and share with you all. God is showing me that this love He's blessed me/us with is bigger than Rob and I. You see, I always prayed that my relationship and eventually my marriage would be a reflection of Christ... a ministry. I have been blessed over the past months, as friends (male & female) have reached out and shared that our relationship has blessed them in some way. *tears* People, hear me when I tell you - God answers prayers.
As many of you who follow my page know, over the past few months I have been sharing of the LOVE that is in my life. Particularly, I am referring to the wonderful, loving, patient, (and handsome!) man of God that has come into my life and loved me in such a way that my heart never knew possible.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I knew GOD'S LOVE for myself and I trusted Him to bless me with His very BEST for me... but I had NO idea just how awesome HIS BEST would be. Funny, because I know how AWESOME my God is, you'd think I would have had an idea of how awesome the man He'd let hold my heart would also be. Ha! My human mind had no clue. WE live in a world in which "love" is becoming a rarity. Real love. Godly love. We just don't SEE it and I believe this has impacted us (more than we know).
Because we rarely SEE what His love looks like, we have unconsciously lowered our standards and expectations for love.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
WOMEN of SistersEVOLVE!…
we are READING THE BIBLE from cover to cover! That’s RIGHT –Old AND New
Testament!! That’s RIGHT – no more being unfamiliar with the Word of
the God who we so love, no more living in ignorance and/or beneath our
purpose, no longer will we be unequipped, defeated, weak, or uniformed.
We are inviting and strongly encouraging EVERY woman connected to this
ministry to READ your bible with us
(DAILY). We must get God’s Word IN our hearts, before we can expect it
to activate in our lives. No matter how much or how little of the Bible
you've ever read, we invite YOU to read with us and to encourage your
sisters! There is no pressure; everyone is reading at their own pace.
(We do recommend you read a minimum of 5 chapters/day.)
For accountability and unity, we are asking everyone who commits to reading with us, to do TWO things each day until you have completed the Bible:
VISIT sistersevolve AND
1. Post a single verse, from your reading {each day}, on our “READING THE BIBLE: Cover to Cover” post. For instance, if you read Genesis 1 – 6 today, choose one verse from all that you read and post it on the thread.
2. Post your scripture on your personal page and tag it #sistersevolve #readingourbibles #covertocover .
*Note: If, as you are reading, you have any questions or something impresses upon your heart that you would like to discuss with your sisters, PLEASE feel free to share those questions/comments in SE Group! We welcome the dialogue!
We are starting MAY 1ST, but NO matter when YOU are coming upon this challenge, START WITH US TODAY! Amen! We may have some in Genesis, some in Psalms, some in Romans… but we are ALL collectively progressing through our Bibles!! Amen!! We are becoming better – TOGETHER! If YOU accept this challenge, start today, in the book of Genesis and begin to read through YOUR BIBLE and prepare yourself for an amazing journey!
((WHY)) Because God’s word tells us we are to LIVE on His Word, we are to write it on our hearts that we might not sin against Him, we are to fight the enemy with His Word, we are to pray His Word and stand on His Word…. Because we are only as strong, as secure, as equipped as the WORD we KNOW. Because it is time to mature and to GROW our faith. Because we can’t teach our CHILDREN a Word WE don’t
For accountability and unity, we are asking everyone who commits to reading with us, to do TWO things each day until you have completed the Bible:
1. Post a single verse, from your reading {each day}, on our “READING THE BIBLE: Cover to Cover” post. For instance, if you read Genesis 1 – 6 today, choose one verse from all that you read and post it on the thread.
2. Post your scripture on your personal page and tag it #sistersevolve #readingourbibles #covertocover .
*Note: If, as you are reading, you have any questions or something impresses upon your heart that you would like to discuss with your sisters, PLEASE feel free to share those questions/comments in SE Group! We welcome the dialogue!
We are starting MAY 1ST, but NO matter when YOU are coming upon this challenge, START WITH US TODAY! Amen! We may have some in Genesis, some in Psalms, some in Romans… but we are ALL collectively progressing through our Bibles!! Amen!! We are becoming better – TOGETHER! If YOU accept this challenge, start today, in the book of Genesis and begin to read through YOUR BIBLE and prepare yourself for an amazing journey!
((WHY)) Because God’s word tells us we are to LIVE on His Word, we are to write it on our hearts that we might not sin against Him, we are to fight the enemy with His Word, we are to pray His Word and stand on His Word…. Because we are only as strong, as secure, as equipped as the WORD we KNOW. Because it is time to mature and to GROW our faith. Because we can’t teach our CHILDREN a Word WE don’t
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
{{Shining the light on our RUBY SISTERS!}}
★We celebrate you!!★
The purpose of our spotlight is to shine the light on the wonderful women of SE who have partnered in each month, to make the God-given mission and vision of Sisters Evolve a reality! Our Ruby Sisters believe in the vision and know and understand that they have a vital role in the success of SE. Take a moment to get to know your SISTERS and to encourage their hearts!
♡ Not a RUBY? ♡ Join Today! Click on our "Become a Ruby" tab!
We are celebrating the beautiful diversity of SE. Celebrating the fact that there are no barriers within SE: God is connecting women of all ages, races, locations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and more, coming together and becoming better together in the name of Jesus! These are certainly exciting times! We encourage all of you to check your sisters out as they are spotlighted.
★ When YOU (new rubies) are spotlighted ★
★We celebrate you!!★
The purpose of our spotlight is to shine the light on the wonderful women of SE who have partnered in each month, to make the God-given mission and vision of Sisters Evolve a reality! Our Ruby Sisters believe in the vision and know and understand that they have a vital role in the success of SE. Take a moment to get to know your SISTERS and to encourage their hearts!
♡ Not a RUBY? ♡ Join Today! Click on our "Become a Ruby" tab!
We are celebrating the beautiful diversity of SE. Celebrating the fact that there are no barriers within SE: God is connecting women of all ages, races, locations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and more, coming together and becoming better together in the name of Jesus! These are certainly exciting times! We encourage all of you to check your sisters out as they are spotlighted.
★ When YOU (new rubies) are spotlighted ★
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Don't SAY a word; LIVE the Word
Your witness and your ministry are only as powerful as you are DIFFERENT. Stand apart. Because, when you blend in, the world no longer sees you. More importantly, you dim Christ's light in you.
Search your heart and ask yourself this question: When the world looks at you, do they see Christ ... OR ... do they see a mirror image of themselves (sin) looking back at them? Are they challenged to raise the bar in their own lives Or are they reassured and made comfortable in their sin? Do they see a better way OR a wide gate?
The thing that sets YOU apart - is RIGHTEOUSNESS in Christ Jesus. Be unwilling to compromise. Live by the Word of God and your LIFE will minister without you EVER having to say a word. Lastly friends,
Your witness and your ministry are only as powerful as you are DIFFERENT. Stand apart. Because, when you blend in, the world no longer sees you. More importantly, you dim Christ's light in you.
Search your heart and ask yourself this question: When the world looks at you, do they see Christ ... OR ... do they see a mirror image of themselves (sin) looking back at them? Are they challenged to raise the bar in their own lives Or are they reassured and made comfortable in their sin? Do they see a better way OR a wide gate?
The thing that sets YOU apart - is RIGHTEOUSNESS in Christ Jesus. Be unwilling to compromise. Live by the Word of God and your LIFE will minister without you EVER having to say a word. Lastly friends,
Thursday, May 29, 2014
★ Lessons in LOVE ★ Celibacy
I was once told by a spiritual leader who
I respect greatly, that as a single celibate Christian woman, it would
be in my best interest to partner myself with a single celibate
Christian man. A man who is celibate in obedience to Christ vs. a man who is
“willing” to be celibate with or for me.
At the time, I’m not sure I fully understood or received the magnitude of his advice. I also recall thinking, "Really? With my current list of expectations, the pool to choose from is already SMALL enough… Now, according to your advice, I am to lessen it even more by adding yet another requirement?"
You see, in the past I’d always felt that the REASON a man was willing to be celibate was irrelevant. As long as he was willing to wait and respected my desire to wait, then that was good enough to me.
Although if I was honest with myself, I’d have admitted then, that he had a point. Many times a man will SAY (and even mean it when they say it), that they respect your celibacy… until X amount of time goes by and they fully never expected you to “really” “actually” mean that you are celibate…. Or until they decide “this is ridiculous, we are in a committed relationship”… or you guys are going to be married “someday” so “what’s the harm”… or they decide to respect YOUR celibacy by not having sex with YOU… but ummm, celibacy was never really “for them” so they are having sex - just not with you, somehow justifying it in their own head that they are doing it FOR you… or … there is just a constant weight on you and your relationship, constant pressuring and/or conflict… him not truly being content or satisfied, because he decided to do the “celibacy thing” for you, and not because it was his heart’s desire to please God. You can see how this can present as a problem.
What I failed to realize is that,
At the time, I’m not sure I fully understood or received the magnitude of his advice. I also recall thinking, "Really? With my current list of expectations, the pool to choose from is already SMALL enough… Now, according to your advice, I am to lessen it even more by adding yet another requirement?"
You see, in the past I’d always felt that the REASON a man was willing to be celibate was irrelevant. As long as he was willing to wait and respected my desire to wait, then that was good enough to me.
Although if I was honest with myself, I’d have admitted then, that he had a point. Many times a man will SAY (and even mean it when they say it), that they respect your celibacy… until X amount of time goes by and they fully never expected you to “really” “actually” mean that you are celibate…. Or until they decide “this is ridiculous, we are in a committed relationship”… or you guys are going to be married “someday” so “what’s the harm”… or they decide to respect YOUR celibacy by not having sex with YOU… but ummm, celibacy was never really “for them” so they are having sex - just not with you, somehow justifying it in their own head that they are doing it FOR you… or … there is just a constant weight on you and your relationship, constant pressuring and/or conflict… him not truly being content or satisfied, because he decided to do the “celibacy thing” for you, and not because it was his heart’s desire to please God. You can see how this can present as a problem.
What I failed to realize is that,
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Have You Marked Yourself Down?
My dear sisters, stop marking yourselves DOWN; stop putting yourselves on the clearance
rack. (That's right. I said it.) When
will we realize, as Christian Women, we cannot conform to the ways of
the world? We have our own set of STANDARDS to adhere to, given to us by
our Heavenly Father. He cares about EVERY detail of our lives, yes, even down to how we dress. That's why we must read our bibles and write His word on our hearts. We can't LIVE what we don't KNOW.
Be real. You are ONLY deceiving yourself. A
MAN OF GOD (if that truly is who you are seeking), will NOT look at you and see
his WIFE underneath all of the worldliness you are wrapping yourself in. Don't
make it hard for your husband to recognize you. Wrap yourself in GOD. Wrap
yourself in His word. Clothe yourself in modesty, virtue, humility, kindness,
compassion, and love. Renew your mind to Christ. Trust in His word. LIVE YOUR
FAITH. Let your price tag read WIFE... Put yourself behind the glass, with the
other valuables. This way, only serious buyers, credit worthy applicants, who
know what it is they are looking for and can/will appreciate your worth and
rarity, need apply. Make it EASIER for your husband to recognize you when He
sees you. STAND OUT by letting your INNER BEAUTY be the attraction and the
appeal. STAND OUT by letting God's light in you SHINE. STAND OUT by being
willing to STAND APART. STAND OUT by going against the grain. STAND OUT by
standing for the righteousness of God.
Ladies, YOU communicate your worth (in how your carry
yourself, what you accept, how you dress/cover yourself, the company you keep,
your attitude, etc).
If you
market yourself poorly (spiritually), you will attract (spiritually) broke
buyers with nothing to offer.
You can't
seriously tell me it is a God-fearing, righteous man... a man of integrity and
character, a man who prays, respects women, and is looking for His God-sent
WIFE, that you are hoping to attract..... by attempting to lure him in with
your half-naked seductive clothing, worldly antics, promiscuous lifestyle, and
God-less and faith-less methods.
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Amos 3:3-8
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Amos 3:3-8
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
You want a man to say "yes" to your dress...
when it should be your HEART that draws him. You attract him with your SEX
APPEAL and then tell him you are "celibate". Huh? Enough with the
confusion, mixed signals, and double-mindedness.

STAND OUT; stop letting it all FALL
Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
1 Peter 3:3-4
God is calling us to BRING VIRTUE
BACK. Stop the madness. BE the woman of VIRTUE He created and purposed you to
be. I'm rooting for you. I'm praying for you. We are becoming better - together.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
CHALLENGE!: Reading the Bible from Cover-to-Cover!!
WOMEN of Sisters Evolve… we are READING THE BIBLE from cover to cover!
That’s RIGHT –Old AND New Testament!! That’s RIGHT – no more being
unfamiliar with the Word of the God who we so love, no more living in
ignorance and/or beneath our purpose, no longer will we be unequipped,
defeated, weak, or uniformed. We are inviting and strongly encouraging
EVERY woman connected to this ministry to READ your bible with us
(DAILY). We must get God’s Word IN our hearts, before we can expect it
to activate in our lives. No matter how much or how little of the Bible
you've ever read, we invite YOU to read with us and to encourage your
sisters! There is no pressure; everyone is reading at their own pace.
(We do recommend you read a minimum of 5 chapters/day.)
accountability and unity, we are asking everyone who commits to reading
with us, to do TWO things each day until you have completed the Bible.
- Post a single verse, from your reading {each day}, on our “READING THE BIBLE: Cover to Cover” post. For instance, if you read Genesis 1 – 6 today, choose one verse from all that you read and post it on the thread.
- Post your scripture on your personal page and tag it #sistersevolve #readingourbibles #covertocover .
*Note: If, as you are reading, you have any questions or something impresses upon your heart that you would like to discuss with your sisters, PLEASE feel free to share those questions/comments in SE Group! We welcome the dialogue!
We are starting MAY 1ST, but NO matter when YOU are coming upon this challenge, START WITH US TODAY! Amen!
We may have some in Genesis, some in Psalms, some in Romans… but we are
ALL collectively progressing through our Bibles!! Amen!! We are
becoming better – TOGETHER! If YOU accept this challenge, start today,
in the book of Genesis and begin to read through YOUR BIBLE and prepare
yourself for an amazing journey!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
LOVE is on my mind. Not this "new" conditional love that seems to be permeating our society. Not this dysfunctional, abusive, neglectful, weak, selfish, unfaithful, love that allows people to mistreat one another, throw each other away, and walk away without so much as a fleeting thought as to the impact to their souls.
No. This morning, there is a DIFFERENT kind of LOVE on my mind. A love that heals. A love that builds you up. A love that covers you. A love that is patient, kind, and gentle. A love that is not self-seeking. A love that protects. A love that is not proud. A love that is not easily angered. A love that does not dishonor others. A love that always hopes... always perseveres.
Friends, we are quick to say we are "in love"... but if what you are in, looks more like the first paragraph than the second... you are not in "love", you are in "emotion". God is love. A love that reflects God's perfect love, is a more than you can think to ask or imagine kind of love. A love that reflects and is rooted in Christ, has the power to heal your heart, not hurt it... it has the power to grow your faith, not compromise it... it challenges you to become better, it doesn't allow you to settle or to become complacent... A love that reflects God's love for you, cares about your soul. This is a love that cherishes you... that protects you... This is a love that lasts unconditionally, because it is given freely.
Here's the catch.
No. This morning, there is a DIFFERENT kind of LOVE on my mind. A love that heals. A love that builds you up. A love that covers you. A love that is patient, kind, and gentle. A love that is not self-seeking. A love that protects. A love that is not proud. A love that is not easily angered. A love that does not dishonor others. A love that always hopes... always perseveres.
Friends, we are quick to say we are "in love"... but if what you are in, looks more like the first paragraph than the second... you are not in "love", you are in "emotion". God is love. A love that reflects God's perfect love, is a more than you can think to ask or imagine kind of love. A love that reflects and is rooted in Christ, has the power to heal your heart, not hurt it... it has the power to grow your faith, not compromise it... it challenges you to become better, it doesn't allow you to settle or to become complacent... A love that reflects God's love for you, cares about your soul. This is a love that cherishes you... that protects you... This is a love that lasts unconditionally, because it is given freely.
Here's the catch.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Las Vegas 2 LA: Roadtrip & MegaMeet!!
Sisters Evolve is a ministry of women becoming better TOGETHER, with roots in Las Vegas, NV! To God be the glory, we are launching a NEW CHAPTER of SE in the Los Angeles area!! Saturday, May 10th, kicks off our LA Launch!!
In celebration of this amazing new chapter, the LAS VEGAS Ladies of SE are driving down to LA to host our signature event: SE MegaMeet! And we are looking forward to connecting with all of you amazing LA Ladies!!
Our MEETS are BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE and God given, from start to finish. There's nothing like what we have! We are truly blessed and when YOU come out and join us, you will be blown away by the LOVE of God that flows through these precious events!
We talk, we share, we PRAY, we praise, we laugh, we cry, we confess, we grow, we heal, we let go, we commit, we hug, we encourage, we support, we challenge, we evolve, and - we LOVE!
PURPOSEFUL - EVOLUTIONARY - DIALOGUE at its finest. This year's theme is "BRINGING VIRTUE BACK!" Proverbs 31!! Come out. Join the movement!
>> We will have a BREAKFAST Meet & Greet Saturday morning to kick of the festivities and our MEGAMEET will begin right around 12:30pm. EXACT TIMES and locations will be announced SOON! << If you are on facebook, connect to our event to RSVP and to stay connected and up-to-date as the date approaches!! CLICK HERE!
There are women in the LA Area that want/need to be at this event and they won't know about it unless YOU help spread the word! Please forward this information on to the women in your life and invite them to join us on Saturday May 10th for something very SPECIAL!!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
"Something great happened to me today. thank you sisters to all the ladies I met today! What a healing fellowship many! Blessing to all and God bless this vision!" - Tonya
"Topic of today...was a word I did not think about...and that is longsuffering. I now understand my walk with Christ and my reason for being in Las endure with my sister. It has been a long journey....a struggle....pain...but the Lord said I must remain calm and without complaint.....and for this i will not complain...but say Lord I thank you.."
"I had a life changing experience today with Sisters Evolve.....what an awesome meeting. I look forward to many more times together. I pray many blessing on all of the sisters in Christ I met on today. Watch out ya'll...Kym's out of that comfort zone. To God be the glory!!!!!" - Kym
Monday, April 21, 2014
REAL LOVE RADIO: "Are You a 'Church Chick' or a 'Christian Woman?'"
Tonight we approached a very controversial topic! Yes, you attend
church EVERY Sunday. Yes, from the outside it looks like you have it ALL
together. Perhaps, you even serve in ministry.... but tonight we encouraged you to ask God to truly examine your heart as we asked the question,
"Are you a church-chick or a Christian woman?"
Check out tonight's broadcast and learn how to identify the difference between the two, figure out where you fall on the spectrum, and discover the 3 Essentials to every Christian's life. Listen and learn what it takes to STAND against everything you face from day to day!
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to tonight's show AND past broadcasts:
Set your alarms and write on your calendars; we air LIVE every 1st and 3rd Sunday! We'd love for you to spend your Sunday evenings with us! We invite and welcome you to CALL IN to the show. We'd love to hear from you personally as we become better - together!
Want MORE real talk?! Want to dig into God's Word, with us? Want to share your heart with us???
Check out tonight's broadcast and learn how to identify the difference between the two, figure out where you fall on the spectrum, and discover the 3 Essentials to every Christian's life. Listen and learn what it takes to STAND against everything you face from day to day!
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to tonight's show AND past broadcasts:
Set your alarms and write on your calendars; we air LIVE every 1st and 3rd Sunday! We'd love for you to spend your Sunday evenings with us! We invite and welcome you to CALL IN to the show. We'd love to hear from you personally as we become better - together!
Want MORE real talk?! Want to dig into God's Word, with us? Want to share your heart with us???
Saturday, January 18, 2014
New FITNESS Ministry Launches Tomorrow!
Hello Rubies!!
THURSDAY WORKOUTS begin promptly at 5:45PM, with CHECK IN starting at 5:30pm.
Arrive a few minutes early to ensure you get the MOST out of every workout.
Currently, all workouts take place at Charlie Frias Park
4801 S. Decatur Blvd on Tropicana & Decatur
(Enter from Tropicana. We meet on the far end of the field, farthest away from the Strip)
FITNESS FOR EVERYONE!! All ages. All fitness levels!
PLEASE NOTE: Workouts are open to men, women, and children (ages 6+). However, please keep in mind that this is a minimum suggested age. It is at the discretion of the parent to determine the child's maturity and ability to participate.
We are working out together ONCE a week but it doesn't stop there! We will teach you and equip you to take better care of yourself all week long!
Temple Life! WEBSITE: http://templelife247.blogspot. com/p/blog-page.html
I have a very exciting announcement for you all! As you all know,
this ministry purposes for us ALL to push each other to become better
together - spirit, soul, and BODY.
Well friends, God is calling us to pay attention to our bodies!! We are launching a NEW life-changing Fitness Ministry called TEMPLE LIFE! We
are going to get healthier together! We are dropping dead weight and
adding years to our lives! This program is open to men, women, and
children - fitness for the whole family!
We are launching THIS Sunday 1/19/14 and the BEST news... we are offering the program FREE until further notice!!
You have absolutely nothing to lose, except dead weight and unhealthy
habits!! And you have everything to gain: more energy, better health,
meet new people, better quality of life, confidence, and the list goes
on!! New year!! New YOU!!
Take the first step. Bring your entire family. Check out
our NEW website for more information and we look forward to seeing you
all THIS Sunday! Please feel free to share this invitation with your friends and family!
THURSDAY WORKOUTS begin promptly at 5:45PM, with CHECK IN starting at 5:30pm.
Arrive a few minutes early to ensure you get the MOST out of every workout.
Currently, all workouts take place at Charlie Frias Park
4801 S. Decatur Blvd on Tropicana & Decatur
(Enter from Tropicana. We meet on the far end of the field, farthest away from the Strip)
FITNESS FOR EVERYONE!! All ages. All fitness levels!
PLEASE NOTE: Workouts are open to men, women, and children (ages 6+). However, please keep in mind that this is a minimum suggested age. It is at the discretion of the parent to determine the child's maturity and ability to participate.
We are working out together ONCE a week but it doesn't stop there! We will teach you and equip you to take better care of yourself all week long!
Temple Life! WEBSITE: http://templelife247.blogspot.
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