LOVE LETTERS to Singles & Wives
Written by: Alexis Johnson and LaCrea Bucknell
Dear Wives (and wives-to-be!),
{Ephesians 5:22-28} Marriage—Christ
and the Church
22 Wives,
submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is
head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of
the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let
the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
25 Husbands,
love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,
26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water
by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious
church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be
holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own
wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.
GET the revelation! You see, as a wife, I didn’t know the first thing about what my role was in my marriage, in the eyes of GOD. I came into my marriage, with my own concepts of what an “independent woman” was, and that was me. Life experiences had taught me, that if I wanted anything done, and especially if I wanted it done correctly, I was better off doing it myself. I {thought} I ran the show! That was a suit I wore proudly! Unfortunately, this approach was totally dysfunctional in the eyes of God. It is not how He created a marriage to function – not by a long shot! My husband is the head of our household. Now, before I go on, he takes some of the credit for our dysfunction as well, you see, he allowed me to lead. We didn’t know any better.

Before getting an understanding of what submission truly
was, I must honestly say I was totally blind to that piece of the puzzle. I
thought that loving him the way it makes me feel good (only me) was good
enough, not realizing it wasn't pleasing to Gods eyes. As I began to draw
closer to God, this was the very thing He kept dealing with me on.
"Submission" became a recurring theme, in my talks with God. It was
hard in the beginning; my flesh fought with the concept, but that was because,
I didn’t understand it. I looked at “submission” as a dirty word. Who? Me? S u
b m i t? Ha! … Little did I know, that submitting to one’s husband is an act of
FAITH. That’s right. God has called us wives to submit to our husbands, AS WE
SUBMIT TO HIM {THE LORD}. Wow. Are you reading that? Take a moment, search your
heart… Do YOU submit to your husband, as you do, to the Lord? For some, that
may seem so foreign a concept, that it may almost seem impossible, and perhaps
on your own, it would be – but thank God, you aren’t on your own, and in HIM,
all things are possible! “Submission”… an act of faith. Faith is believing. Do
you believe God’s word is true? Are you applying it to your life? … And if not,
why? What is stopping you from embracing God’s purpose for you, as a wife, and
for your marriage?
Now, that God has revealed to me, just what submission is,
and I have fully embraced it, it is no longer something I frown upon, but just
the opposite – being an EPHESIANS 5:22 WIFE {E5:22 WIFE}, is a privilege, and
one that has blessed my marriage tremendously. Having a submissive heart, is
just so rewarding. A special peace has encompassed our marriage since we
accepted and embraced our Godly roles as husband and wife. God loves me and I
chose to obey him, in all things. “Submission" - something that was so
hard for me in the beginning, BIGGER than life, is now so little and so
rewarding. The big turning point in my walk with God was when I began to trust Him in my marriage. And it’s funny how so often, we look to God to fix the other person FIRST. Thinking, “well I WOULD submit, IF he ….”. WRONG! Ladies, the scripture does NOT say, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord, IF…” No it says, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. (period)”
{1 Peter 3:1-6}
Submission to Husbands
3 Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own
husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be
won by the conduct of their wives, 2 when they observe your chaste
conduct accompanied by fear. 3 Do not let your adornment be merely
outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4
rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the
incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very
precious in the sight of God. 5 For in this manner, in former times,
the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to
their own husbands, 6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord,
whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
Now, I understand that there are some wives whose husbands
are not loving them, as God has called them to, and I understand that in those
cases, for those wives who already struggle with submission, that adds yet
another hurdle. My dear sisters, God knew this as well... and He left
instruction, especially and specifically, for you. How God loves us so! 1 Peter
3:1-6, not only instructs us wives on how to handle our husbands, even those
who do not obey God's word, but as is God's character, He follows the
instruction, with promise. I just LOVE how God operates. He says to be
submissive... and He goes on to say, a direct result of your gentle and quiet
spirit is that your husband would be won by YOUR conduct. To God be the Glory!!
My sisters, we MUST let God's light and love shine through our words and
actions. If you feel that you are in a hopeless situation, realize that on your
own, it may be, but Praise God, you aren't on your own. I encourage you to read
John 15:1-10. Apart from Him, we can do nothing, but as long as you remain in
Him, you will bear much fruit. As well, I'd like to share a book, that I
believe would be a BLESSING to all wives, especially those struggling with an
unbelieving husband - "The Love Dare" by Stephen and Alex Kindrick.
Be encouraged, my Sisters, and get in and remain in Christ, let Him work
through you. Let us stop looking to God to "fix" our husbands, and
instead focus on how WE can become more like Christ. How can WE be a better
reflection of His love?
this is where my story picks back up... So where did God begin? With ME. He dealt with ME first. If
I may share a story… one afternoon while washing dishes in my kitchen, I began thinking
to myself, "Am I a Submissive Wife? Do I truly honor my husband? Do I
fully trust him with making decisions, for our family? Do I respect him in
every way?” As the thoughts set in my mind, my phone rang and of course it was
my Loving Husband. I answered, and the conversation went, as follows. Now let
me preface this by saying, this conversation, took place BEFORE the revelation
on submission!
Wife: Hey babe
Husband: Sweetie, can you feed the dogs for me?
{Not pretty, right? Clearly I wasn't being a submissive wife…
I hadn’t got the picture, yet.} Wife: Hey babe
Husband: Sweetie, can you feed the dogs for me?
As I ended the call, the thoughts that were going through my mind, just before the phone rang, returned, and began to convict me. Knowing in my heart I wanted to do everything I could to please my Father, I had to acknowledge, my actions weren't reflecting that desire. The more I thought about it, the more clearly I heard His voice. God spoke to me, saying, "You must submit to him in everything as is fitting unto me (Lord).” And then, He says, "Really Alexis, what's the harm in feeding the dogs, for him?? How are you being his help-meet when you aren't willing to help him in the little things?”
As God was dealing with me I knew I needed to make a change if I wanted to be pleasing unto Him, so I started with the little things, ie feeding his dogs, and then on to the bigger things, like letting him make the final decisions for our family.
Today, praise God, I am able to say, I indeed purpose to be
the wife that obeys and submits. I find pleasure, joy, and fulfillment from
being submissive to my husband, and as a direct result – pleasing God. It is
surely the way God desires it to be and the peace and joy in my household are
all the confirmation I need.
Suggested Reading & Application: God commands us as wives to obey our husbands in Ephesians 5:22 -24, we are told to submit to our husbands "as unto the Lord," and in Ephesians 5:33, we are instructed to honor (reverence) our husbands. As difficult that may sound for some of us, my sisters, we do NOT have the hard part! Our husbands have the hard part… they are commanded to LOVE us (wives) as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Eph 5:25)! That means always putting our good, our well-being ahead of their own. It means being willing to die for us. They are called to submit to God, in order to LEAD us. They are responsible for ensuring our family is on the right path. And we are to “help” them.
In 1 Corinthians 13:4
– “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade
itself, is not puffed up…” So the love our husbands have for us, is patient and
kind and pride plays no part in it. That kind of love will put our well-being
over his own... We are partners... When we married, we became ONE. My Pastor
said something once, pertaining to marriage, and I will never forget it. He
said, “Man was created first and woman was created as man's help meet. And since, in marriage, the two become one,
you really cannot have TWO heads because that is a monster marriage! Lol! He
went on to say, wives, be the neck. So therefore, I am voluntarily the neck -
without the neck the head is no good.
Finally, look at Proverbs 31:10-31. The template of a
virtuous woman/wife: she owns business, she trades, she is into real estate,
the heart of her husband safely trusts her, she provides food for her
household, she extends her hand to the poor, and the list goes on - but most
importantly, she is obedient to God!! Because of this obedience, her husband is
pleased AND she has much to do with his good reputation. Wives, let us be the wives spoken of in
Proverbs 31:28-31:
“Her children rise up
and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many daughters have
done well, But you excel them all.”
Charm is deceitful
and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit
of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates.”
Content of SistersEVOLVE by LaCrea Bucknell, Founder of SE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Wow sis! You are stirring up a hornets nest! LOL
ReplyDeleteI know I have come a long way in submission to my husband but I can also tell how far I have to go. I can feel that resistance there BIG TIME. You know the "yeah, BUT"...."I know, BUT" my case is somehow special. And I know that God has so much more for my marriage. And I am gonna be open for a minute and reveal something that I see in my reaction so that others who may be having the same reaction might benifit. It's ugly but here goes....You are like pouring salt into a wound sis! LOL And I mean that in a hurts so good kinda sense. Let me explain....When I hear you go on and on about submitting to your husband and being so stinking joyful in doing it I am honestly going "yeah, yeah *rolling eyes* blah, blah, blah". And then I go ok ummmm why am I behaving like a rebellious teenager here? MY HEART IS IN THE WRONG PLACE! I am NOT chosing to submit to God in this area! And when my response to your obedience is sticking my tongue out at you with my fingers in my ears, so to speak (LOL), I would have to say um "here's your sign"...That is hard to admit but it is true and I love my God, the Truth, more than I do my ego. I love you sis...thank you for shining brightly in your obedience as a submissive wife. You can be my sandpaper sister anyday :) Please know that nothing I said is anything personally against you in any way! PROMISE! It is just a reflection of my heart and a state of rebellion that God is shining His light on and that light happens to be coming through you. And I thank God it is :) <3<3<3<3<3<3
Tami!! I am HAPPY to know, this letter is "stirring up the nest"! That is a GOOD thing. I know that "submission" is NOT EASY! I know it seem that way for me, now - but believe me, this has not always been the case! Oh, I've come a loooonng way - by the GRACE of God! Thank goodness, in HIM, we are new creations! My best advice - start small - but START! Sis, I challenge you to come up with ONE way, one area, that you can begin today, to practice "submitting" to your husband. For me, it began in that small moment... feeding his dogs.. quietly completing a simple act, for him. Ha! You would think, and perhaps it sounds SO simple, but THAT was HARD for me!!! It took everything in me to do it. So what do YOU have in mind, Tami, and any other SE Wives out there, reading this post? Where can YOU start, TODAY?
DeleteLet's GROW TOGETHER, Sisters! Let us not be readers {only}, but DOERS!!
This has TRULY been an eye opener because this is really my story. From the beginning to the end.....I have been so independent and so use to running the show that I didn't know what it was like to have a loving, caring man to do those things. My husband is a contractor so he is only home every 3 months for 3 weeks.....he is home now and since I have been submissive the PEACE and JOY that is back in our marriage is PHENOMINAL. Thank you for this article and I am so happy that GOD is working THROUGH YOU!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePraising God, with you, Sis!! I love to hear stories like this! Such confirmation and encouragement to all of us - when we SUBMIT to Christ, through submission to our husband's, our marriages, homes, families are all blessed, by that act of obedience!!
DeleteWonderful Alexis so much truth in this letter, May I share with you, my story.. Husband and I were ready for divorce court when I began to change my behavior (only with God's help) toward him. then, as instructed by my pastor, I began to pray daily for my husband, not to change, but for protection, mentally, spiritually, and physically. I prayed that God would bless him and love him, that God would guide him. within thirty days my attitude toward my husband had changed, and I could see God at work in him. "DIDN'T HAPPEN OVER NIGHT" It took a while, but today my husband and I are so very happily married All Praises goes to our GOD, we are so content with one another, and so totally different in our walk with our Savior and God. what a great God we have!
ReplyDeleteTo GOD be the GLORY!! Forever and ever!! Divorce court to Happily married... and what was the bridge that took you from one place to the other? SUBMISSION!! ... So God did know what He was saying when He gave us these instructions!!! Lol!!! So happy for you and your Heavenly Husband - thank you so much for reading and for sharing your story!! I pray others will be as encouraged by your story, as I am! Thank you, Sis!
DeleteWow this is something I really needed to hear(read) I have a hard time with this. I'm so used to being that independent person. My husband is in military and with him being gone so often I get used to running things. So I really have to set my mind to do the things I'm suppose to do as a wife. Its good to know I'm not the only person who is having a hard time.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Sis!! Just what SISTERS are for! We are ALL in this together... one day at a time!! God bless you and your marriage!!
DeleteWhat a lovely wife you are Mrs. Alexis "AWESOME" example, continue to allow God to shine brightly through you God bless you and your husband with a long happy and satisfying marriage.
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you so much Sis!! To God be the Glory!! Your responses have been overwhelming. I just love Him so much! So humble and thankful to be used by Him. I love you all!! Be blessed! ... And BE a blessing!
DeleteHello Alexis, I just wonted you to know you are such a motivation for me to become a better wife day to day I'm working on it thank you!! We are on to completely different spiritual paths at time but a good wife is a good wife any way thank you your words help me a lot!!! Keep it up beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteI finally read your letter, very much inspiring you are a beautiful lady inside and out blessing to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteThere's so much true in this, thank you for sharing your heart. I love how you explained your role as a wife. Allow God to keep shining through you.