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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

SINGLES & WIVES!! Sacred Studies - Week ONE!

{SACRED SINGLES of SE!} - WEEK ONE // Feb 1-8th // Reading CHAPTER ONE //
* * * Once you have read the chapter, visit THIS post and ... ****
EVERYBODY who is participating, will do {4} things EACH WEEK:

1. READ one chapter/week (Friday-Sun).
2. VISIT THE CORRESPONDING GROUP POST ON MONDAY (a new thread will be posted EACH week on MONDAY) to discuss the chapter (challenges, response to the reading, what you are learning, how you are applying, encourage one another, etc). Check back throughout the week! See what your SISTERS are saying, participate in the dialogue, and encourage one another!
3. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS at the end of each chapter, record responses in your journal AND share HERE. To stay organized, each day we will focus on ONE or TWO specific questions, which are listed by day-of-the-week, below.
4. SHARE WHAT YOU LEARN, HERE and with others on YOUR page! As you read, share what stands out to you and tag your posts with @Sistersevolve #SacredChallenge.

{WEEK ONE // DAILY SCHEDULE}- we suggest reading the entire chapter Fri-Sun, so that you are prepared to explore the dialogue with us throughout the week and to answer the questions.
MONDAY - #1. Describe a marriage you respect: what is it about the couple that makes you admire their relationship?
TUESDAY - #2. Ten years after you're married, how do you hope someone will describe your marriage relationship? Write out the "ideal" description of the relationship you hope to have.
WEDNESDAY - #3. Describe some of the marriages you've seen that you definitely do not want to model you own marriage on. What attributes of those relationships do you hope to avoid?
THURSDAY #4. Have you ever asked yourself the question, "why do I want to get married?" Why do you want to get married?
FRIDAY #5. How do you think getting married with the intention of "seeking first the kingdom of God" will change the way you pursue someone to marry, as well as the type of person you might consider?

***** When answering questions, please start with your comment with, "QUESTION #_:" ............ if you are posting your thoughts in response to the reading, begin your comment with "MY THOUGHTS on page _ _".
{SACRED WIVES of SE!} - WEEK ONE // Feb 1-8th // Reading CHAPTER ONE //
{WEEK ONE // DAILY SCHEDULE}- we suggest reading the entire chapter Fri-Sun, so that you are prepared to explore the dialogue with us throughout the week and to answer the questions.
***** When answering questions, please start with your comment with, "QUESTION #_:" ............ if you are posting your thoughts in response to the reading, begin your comment with "MY THOUGHTS on page _ _".

Chapter 1: The Greatest Challenge in the World

MONDAY -#8. How do you react to the idea that God may have designed marriage
to make us holy even more than to make us happy?
#4. What do you think of Gary’s critique of romantic love as the
basis—or measurement of success—for marriage? How have
your attitudes toward romantic love changed over time?

TUESDAY- #1. Why did you choose to get married (or why do you want to get
married)? Is this a biblical reason?
#2. How do you think most Christians would describe the purpose
of marriage?

WEDNESDAY- #3. Were you encouraged or discouraged by the author’s premise that
marriage is a crucible in which we can learn more about ourselves
and about God? What has been your personal experience
in this regard?
#6. What has your marriage revealed to you about your sinful attitudes,
selfish behaviors, and other character flaws? Why do you think marriage brings so many character issues to the surface?

THURSDAY- #5. Do you agree with Gary that, in one sense, moderns “ask too
much of marriage?” If so, in what way?

Friday-#7. Gary says God is the One who ultimately fulfills us, not our mate.
If this is so, what contribution does our mate make to our life?

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