Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

I like that the version in the photo above, says, "do not rely on your own INsight." ... The reason it is so important... so crucial... imperative even, that we TRUST GOD and not ourselves, is because we can only see things, from the INSIDE. Our vantage point is skewed. And how many of us know, things are not always what they "seem" to be? How many times have you just KNOWN something to be true, and it turns out to be false? How many times have you just KNOWN how something would turn out - and something completely unforeseen occurs? The difference between you and I, and God, is that He actually KNOWS. His word is TRUE. Our perception can be skewed for so many different reasons, but thank God, He is ALL-KNOWING. He is the author and the finisher, the beginning and the end. We are instructed to trust God because if we do anything else, we are making decisions based upon our feelings, our perceptions, misinformation, sometimes lies, and at best - limited data. My sister and I have a phrase we always use on each other, "From the outside, looking in...". We usually use this on one another when we are trying to give each other a different point of view to consider. Today, my sisters, I urge you to TRUST GOD. Spend time in His word. Learn to recognize His voice. And when He speaks, LISTEN. Listen with a peace in your heart, knowing HE sees things from the outside, looking in. He sees the WHOLE picture: the beginning AND the end. He has plans to PROSPER you. Trust God.
branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch
that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already
clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I
in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in
the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." - John 15: 2-4
I'm going through a time right now in which God has required me to DO,
even though I cannot SEE. I would like to share with you, how He is
currently moving in my life:
My Heavenly Father is so good to
me. I love that He speaks to me. I love that He reveals Himself to me.
Not too long ago, God told me, "THREE months". I heard His voice as
clear as day. At the time, I had no idea what He was up to - but I what I
DO know, is His voice. So I listened. I made the conscious decision NOT
to rely on my own understanding. Instead, I chose to TRUST in the Lord,
with all my heart. I was obedient. I did (and continue to do) what He
required of me - even though it hasn't been easy.
It's been just
over ONE month now and I can see what He is up to. *smile* It is so
important to have a PERSONAL relationship with Christ. It is so
important to KNOW Him intimately - to know His heart. This way, even
when you can't always SEE what He is up to, you still KNOW that if it is
Jesus, it is for your GOOD. You KNOW that His plans are to prosper you.
You know that if/when He removes something or someone from your life,
it is for a reason. And that in His timing, He will replace it with more
than you can think to ask or imagine, if it is His will. So often we
cling to what we know, what we are comfortable with... and what it boils
down to is Faith vs. Fear. We have to have FAITH to know that GOD is in
control and He knows what's best for us. We have to let go of the fear,
telling us not to let go... telling us "what if"... keeping us content
in that which is not God's best for our lives... If this is you, ask
God to increase your faith. We have to TRUST Him.
I am
trusting Him. And one month in, although I still don't know exactly what
He is up to, I KNOW that He is up to something! And it's actually quite
exciting. ♥ I know that this first month has been about pruning. I
don't think pruning ever feels good, but for me it's been one of those,
"it hurts so good" feelings. You know, sort of like, the feeling you get
when you work out. Your muscles hurt, but YOU feel good, because yo
know what you are doing is for your good! ... It's moments like these
where we have to work our FAITH muscle. It may hurt. It may not be
comfortable. But it's times like these that INCREASE our FAITH. {Romans
1:17} For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to
faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
one, down. And God has revealed to me now, that the last month was
about pruning. God has given me John 15:1-17. I am standing on His word.
When God speaks to you, listen. He loves you and He knows what's
best for you, even when you can't see it, even when every fiber in your
body wants to go in the opposite direction - stand firm in His word. Do
not waver. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear [sisters],
stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the
work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in
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